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BPI Handedness Questions

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 11:36 am
by Julie-work
I know that I have seen this topic discussed before but I wonder if anyone else has seen this with their child. What does it mean when my 2 1/2 yr old daughter picks up a play phone with her left hand (non-affected) and holds it up to her right ear? Also, if you give her a tube to look through she holds it in her left hand and puts it up to her right eye. Another question re: BPI kids that play baseball: What way do they bat? For example, if the right arm is affected do they tend to bat right or left handed? My daughter is trying to hold/swing a bat and I don't know if she needs to use her strongest arm to push or pull the bat forward. Thanks for any input.

Re: BPI Handedness Questions

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 9:40 pm
by peyton's mom1
my daughter is almost three and I am interested in some responses in your questions. My daughter also has a play golf set that she wants to swing the left handed way, but there are no play golf clubs that are made for lefties. This seems to be a frustrating time for us too. We had her evaluated about if she would have been right handed. He said that if she usually starts off running or stepping w/ right foot she was probably meant to be right handed and since she wanted to kick the ball w/ right foot, also a sign of right handed kids. thanks for the question

Re: BPI Handedness Questions

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 10:13 am
by admin
I was told that if your child was naturally born to be right handed, the child's brain has to reprogram to use the left hand. Sometimes they will do things that may not seen normal to us. It's the brain reprogamming. She's making up for what she would do naturally. Hope that helps, good luck.

Re: BPI Handedness Questions

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2003 10:08 pm
by admin
I am 51 and yes theys things happen the good news is it exersises the ERBS arm belive me it works out well to a point the brain is trying the erbs arm is trying and you are trying my sis was lefty and so is my brother I am sure I could of been to. some kids can use ethier arm the same should we realy get into the issue about why one isant ambridextryous I know I spell that one bad in any case sure its another strange thing about ERbs please dont worry to much about this. I am a Master diver and I drive a semi I only have simple grasp in my ERBS arm.Tom

Re: BPI Handedness Questions

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 9:37 am
by hope16
Well, I am 16 now and have a robpi, It was decided that My mind was right handed, however my body was forced to reprogram to become a lefty, as a result I write a little bit slower that others. Not to worry your daughter may keep those traits forever. When I play kickball I kick with my right, and run right foot first, I tend to look through things with my right eye while holing it with my left hand,... However when I play softball I bat lefthanded. so I guess it just depends on what you are doing.
Good luck,

Re: BPI Handedness Questions

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 8:44 pm
by Tessie258
My son is 14 and this has been a problem for him. Some people change over very easily and others do not. Unfortunately he hasn't had an easy time writing. In lower grades he did o.k. but as he got into middle school it was a big problem. I would recommend that all kids with this problem learn to type as soon as possible.