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paraffin therapy

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2001 9:34 am
by njbirk
Have any of you used paraffin for therapy?
Husband (bless him for this great gift) got me a paraffin bath for Christmas. I can already tell that I love the way it feels but I'm wondering how to maximize the usefullness of that increased circulation. Do you exercise the hand afterwards?

Kath, I'd recommend one for you. It really warms up that hand! Just be careful to test the temp on the non bpi hand and arm!


Re: paraffin therapy

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2001 9:36 am
by Judy-T
Yes I have one and used it alot after my surgery. It does help out alot. Hope you enjoy it Nancy.I think I will heat mine up now.

Re: paraffin therapy

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2001 11:31 am
by Kathleen
Hi all

I have 2 paraffin therapy baths...
About 4 years ago the Arthiritis Specialist ordered it from the hospital PT for my hands...

I got grossed out when they told me to put my wax back into the pot.... ugh!!!! reported that one...

I have a very large one... but that can get way too hot and it is heavy to take out.... the sides are metal... it is a professional one... now reduced to feet!!! but I could go up almost to the elbow...

Last year one of my daughters gave me one... and it is nicer and the wax is not as hot and better to use...

As for exercise with it.... LOL

I play with the wax before I throw it out... yup I do...
roll it make roses out of it... roll it make coils and snakes.... Now it is easy to do with non bpi side but since the pincer fingers are the ones that work on bpi side... it becomes a challenge!!!....

Play with the wax... I sometimes have put the wax on and the plastic bags and mittens... and that is how I went to bed... no cold hand that night!!!! LOL

Now what else can you make with the wax..?????

Re: paraffin therapy

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2001 3:46 pm
by patpxc
I have one too. I love it. I ogt it for the arthritis in the hands and now that the weather has turned so cold, to keep the hands warm. I have two fingers on the good hand that get painfully cold and hurt like hell . Sure is nice to have a board of our own. By the way, does anyone have any ideas on how to wear a sweater without tight wrists. Even when I roll them, they come undone and get into things --like soup,dishsoap. I hate not wearing them. Pat

Re: paraffin therapy

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2001 4:18 pm
by Kathleen

Find the answer to the sweater sleeves? That like looking for gold!!!

I ruin more things that way... I keep thinking if I were more careful... but now I think if my arm was only a little longer... LOL...

Sometimes when I am working I put a garter on it... you know like the one the bride wears... but it holds up the sleeve when working... LOL... not pretty but...
I think they also sell the same things in party stores for over forty parties and St.Patricks day... In old movies the bartenders wore them... to keep their sleeves out of the water...

I hate anything tight... I find it so annoying wonder if it is a bpi thing...

I need to wear things loose especially sleeves!!

Re: paraffin therapy

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2001 8:50 pm
by admin
Paraffin therapy feels good, but has no known therapeutic attributes.

Re: paraffin therapy

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2001 9:13 pm
by patpxc
If the hand feels better, that's therapeutic. If it relieves the pain,if even for a short time it's therapeutic.
Too bad we aren't all rich. We could have a therapeutic OPBI picnic in a warm place!Pat

Re: paraffin therapy

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2001 7:54 am
by Janny-scotland
have you tried an infra red lamp? shine it on your hand/arm with the paraffin still on. This should make the heat last for longer.
take care,

Re: paraffin therapy

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2001 5:11 pm
by Judy-T
Y'all can all come to Florida for therapy.that is when it warms up here. Last night it got into the 30's.

Re: paraffin therapy

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2001 7:01 pm
by Kathleen
Hey Judy

I think I will stay right here in warm NY...

I walked today for over an hour and the temp was about 25F ... just 40 minutes northwest of the City...

I did wear winter jacket - gloves and hooded sweatshirt and scarf wrapped around my face... but it was fun...
If it stays that cold you will need winter clothes...
I think all the snowbirds bring the cold... LOL...
Wait soon my brothers are on their way... just one more week... and off to sunny fla... ship the old folks to you...