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we need to stop ERBS happening Is there any writer out there?

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2003 7:43 pm
by admin
There needs to be a Book out there from the storys that are told here Erbs has to Go away It should never happen to begian with If a Mother Looks at a ULtra sound the next qestion should be how big is my baby and should I have sasarean this Erbs has to stop>>>.If a Parent new about a delivery issue vs the erbs issue than we all could have a hand TO STOP IT !

Re: we need to stop ERBS happening Is there any writer out there?

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2003 8:23 pm
by Andrea53
You are right.Ubfortunately so many people including drs. have no idea what it is.Maybe drs should tell pregnant mom's about it and they can make a better decision.I'm 50 and can't believe its still happening

Re: we need to stop ERBS happening Is there any writer out there?

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2003 9:24 pm
by Kathleen
That is what Awareness is all about... getting out the message that this does not have to happen...

I am 63 and I found this message board a few weeks after I turned 60... I was so shocked and then I was so sad and then angry... and now feel that I will help to spread Awareness when ever I can.

So now ... I talk about my arm, my injury and I am no longer quiet about it... If someone asks I tell them how I was injured at birth and how babies are being injured daily. It helps to educate the general public.


Re: we need to stop ERBS happening Is there any writer out there?

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 5:24 pm
by hope16
I have an idea, when all of the students at my school reached 9th grade we had to do a health fair project, and I did mine on Erbs just because I wanted to learn about it. Well as a result I learned a lot and inturn taught my class mates what I learned so that they would understand. Now they are aware, so if your child has to do a health fair project encourage them to do it on Erbs or what ever their specific diagnosis is that way they can teach all of the children in their class. So every one has a better understanding and knows that it is a possibility for any pregnancy.

Re: we need to stop ERBS happening Is there any writer out there?

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 12:44 am
by phaliscak
I think you need to go where it hurts them the most. The malpractice insurance company. The insurance companies should make sure the Dr.'s are highly educated BEFORE they deliver babies. Lets face it, we will never find a brochure warning how Erb's Palsy is caused or prevented at the Dr's office. It's like advertising to the public how they can screw up. Instead they need to be pushed by their insurance companies to take it seriously or they will be over charged and possibly dropped if they hurt a child. My other theory is that it has to happen to a well known actor or public officials child in order to get the recognition it needs. Don't get me wrong, I don't wish this on any child. Look at Michael J. Fox, Christopher Reeves and many others. You never heard from them before until it hits home.


Re: we need to stop ERBS happening Is there any writer out there?

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 4:06 am
by Tami
It is very sad that this happens. I did ask my doctor how big my baby was the week before we were inducing. She told me high 7's but the ultrasound machine was not accurate for measurements....boy was she off....10 pounds 1 ounce...neglectful on her part

Re: we need to stop ERBS happening Is there any writer out there?

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 10:03 pm
by admin
unfortunately( I say Unfortunately because the majority of birth today is liability based rather than evidence based) I totally agree with you phaliscak ! I also agree with the public figure idea ~

Re: we need to stop ERBS happening Is there any writer out there?

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 5:52 pm
by JanAmes
I didn't know about BPI until Sarah's birth, but was concerned about having a big baby- had 2 ultrasounds w/in the 2 weeks prior, but the doctor didn't order one from the high-risk facility (who had better equipment and probably a better tech). They claimed a variance of 1 lb 14 oz. The estimate was 8lb 2oz the week before she was born at 10 lb 9 oz. I questioned the vacuum extract, but was assured by the l&d nurse that they used it all the time with no problems. Ha!

Re: we need to stop ERBS happening Is there any writer out there?

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 6:19 pm
by Angela Butterfly
Hi Hope,
My daughter is 19 with BPI of her entire torso, shoulder, arm & hand. I agree with you. I never knew of such a thing until my 10# 8 oz. 2 1/2 week overdue daughter was born. I think Oprah should do a show on this. She recently did one on Misconceptions. I wrote her about it earlier, but did not get a response.

My daughter just did a paper on her injury for one of her freshman college classes. Hope you don't get upset with your mom for all the at home therapy she did with you. Now at 19 my daughter is just beginning to appreciate it. It's hard being a mom sometimes. You know the tough love stuff.

Hope you are doing well. For us the hours & hours over years and years, of therapy did work. My daughter has full functional use of her shoulder, arm, hand & fingers. She can even put her own hair up in a pony tail. She did not ever have surgery. Success.

Re: we need to stop ERBS happening Is there any writer out there?

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 9:45 am
by elizabethdh27
I clearly think there should be a book out there from the mother's point of view. When my daughter was born it took them 2 days to figure out what was wrong with her. She was born in San Antonio, TX just a few hours from Houston and NOT ONE DOCTOR told me about Houston. It was not until I spent many night up late searching on the internet to find Houston and this wonderful site. It has helped me ALOT to feel comfortable about what I must decide for my innocent little girl but what about those who don't have access to the internet, who helps them! I'm not a good writer or I think I would do it myself, instead I've decided to return back to school and recieve my RN degree and work in L&D and hopefully spread the word of this injury with the L&D Docs!!!!