Guess what?!?!?!

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Guess what?!?!?!

Post by Dean-na »

As you know I have a tentative surgery date w/Dr Nath for 8/1/03. I am still waiting on Brenda to get the final ok from the insurance company. Guess what! My employer now states they are thinking about changing the employees insurance from UHC to someone else in September.

They suggested that I wait till after THEY decide what insurance they are planning to go with before I have my surgery. They said that the new insurance might say it is pre-existing & they might not cover my next 2 surgeries.

I am so upset I could just...I don't know, I am just so mad. It's like I have been waiting on this moment for oh, lets see, 31 YEARS & they want me to wait. It's not their decision, but what if they do go to another insurance company & they throw a spoke in my wheel. I can't win for loosing....

Sorry, I just had to let it out. I can always try another doctor in Alabama, but Dr. Nath seems so right my situation.

Any words of widsom?

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Re: Guess what?!?!?!

Post by admin »

Of course they want you to wait........grrrrr

I wouldn't wait to see what they do... you have insurance NOW, so use them.
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Re: Guess what?!?!?!

Post by Kristie »

If you are talking about a group policy from what I understand about insurance is that as long as you have been covered 12 months in a row you should be able to transfer without any pre-existing conditions. This is what a prosepctive employeer told my family once when looking into moving. When we did finally switch we didn't have to deal with the pre-existing clause because of what I mentioned above.

I am no insurance expert so I could be wrong! I believe that this was suppose to have been made a "law or rule" if you will for insurance companies.

Also maybe you would be able to do the CORBA thing. This clause allows you to pay the premium for up to 18 months. We did this once since I had become pregnant before the new insurance would cover it. It was not a pre-existing condition but I had to be on the policy for a year before they would cover child birth. Anyway... maybe you could stay with your old insurance while everyone else switches until the waiting period is over. Although there are downsides to that as well. There are other wait limits that happen if you don't sign up when you are first able to.

Isn't there some Federal Agencey that covers insurance? Maybe you can call some companies and find out how that works... give them a for instances!

Don't cancel your appointment just yet! There is hope!
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Re: Guess what?!?!?!

Post by admin »

There is a law about the pre-existing condition. If you have had insurance for the last 12 months, then the new insurance company can not say it was pre-existing. My daughter's insurance company has changed several times due to her father's work and we have never had any problems because she always had some type of insurance.
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Re: Guess what?!?!?!

Post by hope16 »

When my mom switched jobs the insurance company said that anything that had to do with my arm they would not cover for like 3-6 months. They would not fully insure my dad at first either.
so be carful what you do.
Best of luck,