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Layne - are you home yet? How is Ian doing?
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2003 12:37 am
by Francine_Litz
have been thinking and praying for you guys... hope things went really well and that Ian's recovery will be easy.
big hugs,
Re: Layne - are you home yet? How is Ian doing?
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 12:05 pm
by admin
We are home. Everything went well. Dr. Shenaq performed the surgery and he was pleased. They were not sure that they were going to perform all of the mod quad, but in the end, they did. I just cannot believe that my son can be moving his arm in 3 weeks. I cannot comprehend it. If and when he DOES move, I will probably just sit there and cry. That will be a miracle. He is such a little trooper. He does have a fever though, it started yesterday and we are having a hard time getting it down, I took him to the DR. yesterday and I have to take him back today. He was at 101 degrees. I just hope we do not have to go back into the hospital. Thanks so much for the prayers. It really means a lot. One of the flight attendants on the way home has a friend whose son in 13 now, but he has an OBPI too. I think they live in Dallas, I told her about TCH and how they can send a video and see if he will helped with surgery. It was worth all the stares just for that, if we can help someone else. Anyway, things went really well, I am SO grateful for these great doctors who dedicate their lives to helping our children.
Take care,Layne
Re: Layne - are you home yet? How is Ian doing?
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 12:12 pm
by BethEmma
Layne, We have been thinking of you also. I hope Ian is doing well. Heres to a speedy recovery!!!
Beth & Emma
Re: Layne - are you home yet? How is Ian doing?
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 2:11 pm
by admin
We are home! Everything went well, Dr. Shenaq performed the surgery and was pleased. I just cannot comprehend that my son could be moving his arm in 3 weeks. If and when I see that I think I will just sit there and cry. What a miracle. They were not sure whether they were going to do all 4 procedures, or if they were just going to remove scar tissue, they ended up doing it all. We got some pretty strange looks coming home, but I guess that is par for the course... He does have a fever of 101 degrees, I took him to the Dr yesterday and am taking him back again today, we can get it down with Motrin, but it comes right back, I am not sure what they will do, but I will let you know. Thanks so much for the prayers and the concern, it means a lot. I hope that everything is going well for everyone and that all the little babies are doing great! I see that I have gotten several emails from people on the message boards, but I changed my address and my hubby had to forward them all to me, I don't want anyone to think I am rude, I have your emails and I will reply as soon as I have time. Thanks again for everything!
Re: Layne - are you home yet? How is Ian doing?
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 6:19 pm
by Layne
We are home! The surgery went well. Dr. Shenaq performed it and he was pleased. They were not sure that they were gonig to do the full mod quad, but once they got in there they decided to. He recovered pretty well, minimal pain, but he did get a fever after we got home, we are worknig to get it down. We have been to the doctor twice since we have been home (we got home late Wed night and it is Friday) but I think he will be just fine. Thanks so much for the prayers and kind thoughts, they really mean a lot. I do not know what I am gonig to do if and when Ian moves his arm... I think I will just sit down and cry... it is so amazing the things they can do now. I hope that everyone is doing well! Kiss all those babies!
Re: Layne - are you home yet? How is Ian doing?
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 6:32 pm
by Francine_Litz
So glad to hear you are home - it's so much easier when you're back on the homefront and in your own bed isn't it? I hope that Ian's fever comes down and goes away fast - is he still on antibiotics? They kept Maia on Zithromax for a course. How long will he stay splinted?
Kissies to Ian from Maia and me,
Re: Layne - are you home yet? How is Ian doing?
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 6:48 pm
by Layne
Yes it is nice to be home. Ian is on Ceftin (antibiotic) and he will be splinted constantly for 3 weeks and then at night for 3 weeks. We have gotten some pretty funny looks so far. Some people in the airport even laughed, but that just shows how ignorant they are, most people feel sorry for him (which is almost as bad as laughing!) Anyway, hopefully we can get that fever down and things will be great. The Dr looked at his incisions today and she said they really look great, so no infections. I have to keep an eye on him in case he starts coughing, she said that sometimes kids will inhale a bit of water through the breathing tube and it can cause pnuemonia. I think he just caught a bug. Dr. Shenaq said that if the MQ "takes", he won't need another surgery until he is 2. That is a year away. I am pretty sure they want to see him in Clinic in a year anyway, so that will be perfect. He is sleeping soundly now, I think I am gonig to lay on the couch for a bit... I can never sleep in hospitals!