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Saw Another Doctor

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 8:06 am
by RhodaJ
Hi All, I wanted to tell you that I finally got to see another doctor. Dr. Allen Maniker of the Peripheral Nerve Center in Newark, NJ. Although , my news wasn't great, I think if anyone needs a great doctor , in that part of the USA, please, try to see him. By far, he outranks them all. Dr.Maniker will be one of the guests at the BP camp. If you are going, seek him out.It has been over three years since my injury and Dr. Maniker told me, if he had seen me within three months post trauma, he could have helped me. But now, what I have is what I have. There probably will be nothing else regained. All the drs., that I saw, told me,"we have to wait and see". The waiting is what did me in. Something could have been done and although I was seeing a specialist, nothing was done. Nothing but waiting to see. Please, if you have any questions at the camp, ask Dr. Maniker. He will take the time to answer them. He is a wonderful person as well as a doctor. Rhoda

Re: Saw Another Doctor

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 2:32 pm
by njbirk

Thanks for sharing your experience with Dr. Maniker. I only wish you had found him sooner.

We are very much looking forward to his presentation at camp.


Re: Saw Another Doctor

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 3:44 pm
by PeggyF
I haven't looked on the general message board yet, but if you haven't posted this information there, would you please consider doing so?
So many parents are often looking for specialists in BPIs in their area.
Thank you!


Re: Saw Another Doctor

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 4:28 pm
by cbe411
Thats GREAT!! I too wish that you would have found him sooner. I have a great doctor in Louisville, KY Dr. Wolffe. He is phenominal, but he keeps saying, wait and see. The m ore I read on the boards, the m ore I wonder, should I wait?? I am just over 2 years post accident, had a nerve transplant last year and possibly a muscle transfer this fall/ winter. I think I will look into a second opinion too!! I live in MI but will go anywhere!!! Any advice??

Re: Saw Another Doctor

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 7:33 am
by RhodaJ
Hi Courtney,
From my experience, I would definetly say...don't wait.
Get another opinion as soon as possible. Where I am, the doctors don't even know what a BPI is, so how could they treat it. That told me...let's wait and see.There is treatment out there...Good luck, Rhoda

Re: Saw Another Doctor

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 10:45 am
by cbe411
Thank you Rhoda! I am checking into a second opinion. Thank you again!

Re: Saw Another Doctor

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 11:20 am
by Kathleen M

We have a medical directory on this site have you checked it out?

I will post this on your other post FYI

Both Dr. Maniker and Dr.Belzberg have accepted our invitation to be part of our Camp UBPN Medical Panel.

Here is a link to Dr.A.Maniker information

Here is a link to Dr.A Belzber

Hope this helps... maybe you should consider attending camp this year to not only meet other bpi injured but also to attend the medical panel presentation. Camp will attended by both obpi/tbpi adults.