NE Picnic - Ken Levine - Help!!

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Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 6:29 pm

NE Picnic - Ken Levine - Help!!

Post by BobG »

I was just wondering if Ken could post all the deatils of the June 14th event at the Boston Children's museum. I am especially interested in hotels and if Ken has set up any special rates. I have sent Ken a few e-mails and didn't get any response. I send the e-mails to "".
Ken, please help!!!
Posts: 56
Joined: Thu Apr 24, 2003 9:48 pm

Re: NE Picnic - Ken Levine - Help!!

Post by StaceyF »

We are also waiting. I also sent Ken some emails re. the hotels and have not heard back yet. Hopefully someone will post soon. Stacey
Posts: 60
Joined: Tue Apr 22, 2003 10:13 am

Re: NE Picnic - Ken Levine - Help!!

Post by Melissa_Allison »

Try calling his office and speak to the secreatary. She will probablly have all the infor. for you,

Hope this helps and see you all there.

Melissa & Allison