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Advice on writing a letter!!

Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 3:30 pm
by admin
I have a ??? Our child is doing alot better, Thank god!! We looked into a attorney for our child, but have been unsucsessful due to her injury not being 'bad enough' primary surgery etc... This is a good thing, don't get me we have no help.. we are upset... the dr is not hurting financially....we are!!! Not fair!!! We are considering to write the delivery Dr a letter to make me feel better,a kind of ' look here is what happened, here is what our child and we our family has gone through and still going through. Don't get me wrong we are fortunate that the extent the injury is not as bad, but we still go to therapy and have gone to tch 2x.We have to pay and our lives are not as they should be. Because the extent of the injury is not enough for lawyers to take, then what do we do? I want to write the Dr and get this off my chest.Do you all think this is a good idea? If so could anyone give me any pointers?? Hope to hear from someone soon. thanks

Re: Advice on writing a letter!!

Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 4:48 pm
by njbirk
Write the letter, then throw it away.
Make throwing it away an event in itself, tear it into a million little pieces, burn it into ashes, something like that.

Just don't send it. Esp. if you are thinking about any kind of legal action.

Just my humble opinion. Writing can be a wonderful way of releasing anger, and a very freeing experience.

Re: Advice on writing a letter!!

Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 5:46 pm
by admin
How many lawyers have you contacted. I seriously would try at least 10 before giving up. How old is your child? Is secondary surgery a possibility down the road? If you are still considering litigation I would not recommend writing the letter. If you are CERTAIN you are giving up looking for an attorney, I don't see how it can hurt. I had planned on doing the same thing until we begun litigation. My child also had a good recovery but we did find an attorney. It wasn't easy though. Good luck.

Re: Advice on writing a letter!!

Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 6:51 pm
by Kathleen M
I am with Nancy on her advice.

I have a habit of writting things out when I am angry or fustrated... I leave them over night read them and then I burn them instead of burning my bridges...

If you choose put them away in a journal and keep them but I would not mail them. This would give the person you are sending them to an opportunity to file them in the waste paper basket.


Re: Advice on writing a letter!!

Posted: Sat May 24, 2003 12:26 pm
by Khiron's Krew
I agree with the others, I would not send the letter to the Dr. I believe that's giving him an advantage. I truly believ in ceremonial/ritulastic procedures, writing the letter and then burning it with your child and others who have been affected by their injury is key. Continue to seek legal representation. Contact local hospitals for list of mal-practice attorneys, state legislators, etc. DON'T GIVE UP! Commit to protecting your child, by protecting their right to a "normal" life. Keep your head up. Peace and blessings.


Re: Advice on writing a letter!!

Posted: Sat May 24, 2003 10:25 pm
by admin
My advice differs from the previous posters. Like you, my son recovered nicely with no lasting problems. I did write my doctor a letter. It was very therapuetic for me. Shortly after he received the letter my Dr. called me on the phone and we talked at length about brachial plexus injuries. He did apologize and offered to help in any way possible. I thanked him and was able to begin healing myself. We had never considered a malpractice suit. My advice is follow your heart.


Re: Advice on writing a letter!!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2003 12:37 am
by marymom
IF you are not going to persue litigation,
I know we are very very pleased we did not, it would not have worked out for us Im sure and then to escape the hardships of litigation is nothing short of a blessing ~
first things first, write, just write and write
and no matter what, dont send ANYTHING untill youve slept at least one night on it-
and then if youre not sure DONT SEND IT.
I have some links for writing opini0on editorials (op eds)that someone just sent me but they are not for personal writing.
What I might do personally, if I wanted to exchange with the doc- is to write myself an outline and then call him, I would not want anything in writing.
...but thay may not be what works best for YOU, if you feel strongly about sendingtheletter after youve written it and after youve slept on it then decide then,
and let us know if you do :) or especially if you get a reply :)