splint checks and flight times

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splint checks and flight times

Post by mom_2x_2002 »

Hi As most of you know Hannah is scheduled for Mod Quad July 15. We were told that she would need the splint checked on the day after discharge. So we planned to spend that night in a motel in Houston. What is the earliest they check the splint in the morning of the following day? I am trying to make departure flight arrangements. And I need to know when the earlist we can depart. How early do we have to be to the airport before are flights?

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Re: splint checks and flight times

Post by Hannahsmom »

When my daughter had MQ in April 2002, she had the surgery on a Monday, splinted on Tues and we were discharged from the hospital after they checked her splint on Wednesday. They may have changed since then, and Lisa Davis or Thompson would probably be the one to tell you what to expect.
I do know that if you tell the nurse that you have to be out by a certain time that they do the best they can to accomodate.

Re: splint checks and flight times

Post by Kathyb »

Conor's splint was rechecked before 9a.m. but i don't know if that is always the case or not and we decided to stay in a hotel that night i wasn't sure how he was going to be and i felt a day of rest out of the hospital was better for him before the four hour flight home take care kathy
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Re: splint checks and flight times

Post by Tracey »

When Alexyss had her surgery in Oct. 2002, they did the surgery, splinted her the next day, and then rechecked her in the morning and we were out of there by 11 AM! Do not go through extra trouble. They told me the same thing as they told you, but we got out a day earlier. Thank God we were driving! Try to get a flight at about 12:30 or 1 PM. They will give Hannah medication before she leaves and make sure you have Motrin on board in case that wears off! Tylenol does not take care of the pain as well. Good luck and I hope everything works out for you!
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Re: splint checks and flight times

Post by Clint »

We wound up seeing the OT around noon. It just depends on busy they are. If you tell the OT you have an early flight they will probably try to accomodate you.

I would be careful with the Motrin. Ibuprofen can be an anti-coagulant (promote bleeding). Which is why they Rx Tylenol w/ codiene. Just ask the Dr. before you go.

Good luck.
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Re: splint checks and flight times

Post by Tracey »

That is true, Clint. I forgot about that. Just take some Tylenol until you can get the prescription.

Khiron's Krew
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Re: splint checks and flight times

Post by Khiron's Krew »

THey were able to check Khiron's splint by 9:00am the next morning. Just let the OTR who constructs the splint, know what time you want them to come down to the room and do a dry run of removing the splint. They want to see how effecient you are at removing and putting the splint on. No Sweat :-)!
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Re: splint checks and flight times

Post by Tammie »

They didn't come to check on Joe Joe until 3. So we didn't get discharged until 3:30. All we were waiting for was OT and our nurse couldn't get in touch with them. So I'd probably leave later to give yourself plenty of time.
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Re: splint checks and flight times

Post by Francine_Litz »

We always plan for an afternooon departure. BUT we also let the nurse know the moment Maia gets into her room what the departure schedule is so that OT can plan for an early splint check at that time. Maia got checked at 9:15 am - we left the hospital at 2:30 pm - there was plenty of time.