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intimidating comment by vp to obpi child being bullied at school, HELP!

Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 1:38 pm
by admin
My son told me that last week the vice principal approached him at the school, and said, "come here, I want to talk to you for a minute. Stop saying we don't do anything about things that happen at this school, because we do".

My son waited almost a week to tell me this, (he has been bullied in school off and on for six months by same child), and has given up in telling me about incidences. We told the school admin staff that he's not telling us about incidences anymore, has lost confidence, self-esteem, and now am thinking that the vp used this information that we gave him, and banked on my son not telling me about his remark. My son said that he was "intimidated, and scared", and the vp said it "meanly".

I am furious right now, and my meeting is Tues morning.
Any suggestions, because I am loosing my cool?!!!


Re: intimidating comment by vp to obpi child being bullied at school, HELP!

Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 3:18 pm
by Joshua
My Suggestion??

Go ahead and lose your cool! Approching your child in that manner rather than you is intolerable.


Re: intimidating comment by vp to obpi child being bullied at school, HELP!

Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 5:02 pm
by admin
I would take it right up to top of the school administration and I'd also educate myself more about what the next step is. I'd contact an attorney also. When the vice principal bullies a child that has gone way too far. You get mad and you do everything you can do to make it get resolved. Makes me angry just to read about it!

Re: intimidating comment by vp to obpi child being bullied at school, HELP!

Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 8:18 pm
by cybermomx4
You have big issues here. My daughter 12 had the same bullying issues at here school. She is NOT bpi. I called the VP and the Principal and they did nothing. I went went to the district superintendant and he tried to weasel his way way. I had a friend of the family who is also an attorney make a friendly call to the school and the district. This is Mr. Soandso and I am calling on behalf of Miss Bullied Alot and wow things started to change pronto. They never did return his phone call but they have sure acted on my daughters complaints about being bullied ever since and that was 6 months ago.

Re: intimidating comment by vp to obpi child being bullied at school, HELP!

Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 11:05 pm
by marymom
I totally agree, call an atty, a 50$ phone call maybe? would soooo be worth the $-

Re: intimidating comment by vp to obpi child being bullied at school, HELP!

Posted: Sun May 18, 2003 1:37 am
by Ruth
I would go to the media. The added bonus is that you make others aware of brachial plexus injuries, by telling the background on your child. A lot of stations will even let you or you child be anonymous. School situations like this show up on out local TV every once and awhile.

Re: intimidating comment by vp to obpi child being bullied at school, HELP!

Posted: Mon May 19, 2003 12:03 am
by admin
this is abuse

what else does this jerk bully children about?

is he a closet pedophile too?

report him immediately!! he needs to be cleaning up some highways in an orange suit

Re: intimidating comment by vp to obpi child being bullied at school, HELP!

Posted: Mon May 19, 2003 8:51 am
by admin
Im stayin anonymous for this post!

I was sexually abused from primary 4-7 (age 8-11) by a teacher in my school and everytime i tried to tell the headteacher that i didnt want to go and see this man because he was bad , he told me not to tell anyone this because i gave my school a bad name and that i had to shut up and stop me lies, after a LONG trial which ended when i was 14, with no pleasing result, i found out the reason for my headmaster being so protective was infact that he was in on it as well! We went to the media and that is how i got a "so-called" fair trial going ahead, the education department was not interested in me until they read about it in the news papers and heard about me on the TV!

Media is definately the way if your school wont listen to you! Bad publicity for the Education Department!

good luck x

Re: intimidating comment by vp to obpi child being bullied at school, HELP!

Posted: Mon May 19, 2003 10:07 am
by Tessie258
I definately believe you should fight this but I also think maybe you should try to send your child to a different school!!! Once it snowballs and gets out of hand it it may be better for your child's self esteem to move nim!

Re: intimidating comment by vp to obpi child being bullied at school, HELP!

Posted: Mon May 19, 2003 2:53 pm
by admin
Thank you all very much for shedding more light, points of views, and advice on this disturbing situation. My son wants to be homeschooled next year, and I am leaning towards it. He needs to be in a safe environment where he can heal. He's his happiest at home, and with his good buddies.

Isn't bullying using your power over those who are weaker, to intimidate, etc. Society should look out for and protect those not as strong as themselves.

Thanks again for helping me remain strong.