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Kinesiotape remover

Posted: Mon May 12, 2003 7:23 pm
by kelli_
Our therapist has a product called Detachol (pronounced "detach all") that we rub onto the tape before removing it. It truly works wonders. I think you can buy it on the internet for 12-14 dollars per 4 oz bottle. It is made by Ferndale Labs.

Re: Kinesiotape remover

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 12:45 am
by Lulumom
Use caution with this stuff, my child had a BAD reaction to this...probably because it was left on too long. What happened with us is that we were working it on the tape slowly, and my daughter wanted to "stop" for awhile. I have always pulled the tape off at her pace (she says stop when she wants a break and go when she's ready for more tape to come off). Anyway, this day she had a particularly large amount of tape on her, and in really sensitive places so it really hurt her. We took a 5-10 break, and in that time the detachol worked it's way down the tape and had saturated it. Parts may have been on her skin for as long as 20 minutes by the time we got it all off. Her skin was BRIGHT red and bumpy, almost like it was burned for several days. It was also very itchy. Anyway, the label says avoid prolonged contact and I presume we had it on way to long. The stuff also didn't take the tape "goo" off, although the tape came off, so she was covered in lint from the towel we used to wash the product off. I'm sure it works well if used quickly, but if you've got a child who likes the tape to come off at her pace, use caution. For us, prolonged exposure is anything over a minute...

Re: Kinesiotape remover

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 10:47 am
by admin
I find that adhesive remover that is made specifically for adhesive tape to be the best. They come in little packets like an alcohol wipe and can be scented or not. It only takes seconds for it to work. They are listed as non-toxic and non-irritating. They can be found from medical supply companies.