post from several months ago"horses"

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post from several months ago"horses"

Post by admin »

I am looking for the post about horses that was given to diabled kids, there is a horse therapy program starting up and would like to get more info on the horses, thanks to anyone that can help
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Re: post from several months ago

Post by kelli_ »

There is hippotherapy and therapeutic riding. You have to really by careful about what people say they are offering.

Therapeutic Riding (TR) is performed by a riding instructor - not necessarily with any therapy background. To be a certified riding instructor
with NARHA one must have some knowledge and background with disabilities,take an exam, and demonstrate riding skills and teaching a therapeutic riding session with at least 2 individuals, either live or on video. The
goal of TR is to teach an individual with a disability to control the movement of the horse.
Hippotherapy is a term that describes the use of the movement of the horse as a tool by a physical or occupational therapist or speech-language pathologist
in a treatment session.
See Below for article by AHA on Hippotherapy
See for approved centers

American Hippotherapy Association
Present Use of Hippotherapy in the United States

Hippotherapy is a term that refers to the use of the movement of the horse as a tool by Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, and Speech-Language Pathologists to address impairments, functional limitations, and disabilities in patients with neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction. This tool is used as part of an integrated treatment program to achieve functional outcomes.

Physical therapists, occupational therapists and speech-language pathologists have used the movement of the horse in therapy in the United States since the 1970’s. Internationally, physical therapists have been using hippotherapy for over 30 years. Recent review has shown that hippotherapy is currently used in 24 countries. In order to provide a forum of education, communication and research among health professionals using the movement of the horse in treatment, the American Hippotherapy Association (AHA) was formed in 1992. It became an official section of the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association (NARHA) in 1993. The AHA membership is composed primarily of physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech-language pathologists interested in the use of the horse in treatment.

The American Hippotherapy Association created a conceptual framework for the use of equine movement as a treatment tool. The conceptual framework is based on dynamic systems theory, integrated with principles of motor learning, sensory integration, and psycholinguistics. The framework was developed to (a) provide therapists with a theoretical basis for the use of equine movement in an integrated treatment program, (b) promote effective clinical problem-solving, and (c) aid the generation of hypotheses for scientific research.

Therapists who use equine movement as a treatment tool are encouraged to pursue specialized training in this area. AHA has developed two approved 3-day courses: Introduction to Hippotherapy - Classic Principles and Applications and Intermediate Hippotherapy - Clinical Problem Solving. Clinicians in the United States have offered a number of continuing education programs directly related to hippotherapy since 1984. The American Hippotherapy Association published Hippotherapy Standards for use in the NARHA accreditation process for operating centers where licensed health professionals use equine movement as part of a patient’s treatment plan. Through the Standards committee, AHA sponsors therapist registration which acknowledges that a therapist has met specific education and practice requirements in hippotherapy. The American Hippotherapy Certification Board (AHCB), in collaboration with an independent testing organization, established a certification process to recognize a higher level of hippotherapy knowledge and experience. The first candidates for the Hippotherapy Clinical Specialist (HPCS) designation sat for the exam in 1999.

Hippotherapy is used as one part of a patient’s integrated treatment plan. The treatment program is based on the therapist’s evaluation and the functional goals of the patient. The therapist may choose the horse’s movement as a tool to be used in the treatment plan if hippotherapy is the most effective and efficient means for the patient to achieve positive functional outcomes. This decision is reflective of the therapist’s own profession and theoretical model of treatment. The therapist may use the horse in a variety of ways depending on the needs of the patient. Equine movement is continually modified during a treatment session and over a period of time in response to patient changes. The therapist provides hippotherapy most often in a one-on-one treatment, but sometimes in small groups. Standard documentation reflects progress of treatment, and follows the guidelines of the therapist's profession. Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes used for billing are chosen based on how this tool is used to address specific goals of treatment.

The use of hippotherapy is consistent with standard practice for Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech-Language Pathology as the activity is experiential, functional and in a natural environment. The movement of the horse, as the tool, can be compared to other therapy tools such as balls, scooters or swings. The variability of the horse’s movement, the rhythm, dimensionality, regularity, and the ability of the therapist to modify these movement qualities, is where the horse, as a tool, supersedes the others.

Horses used for patient treatment must meet specific selection criteria regarding movement quality, temperament and training. Even when an ideal horse is used, the treatment quality and results are based on the specialized hippotherapy training of the therapist, their clinical experience and expertise, and how well they integrate the use of the horse into a comprehensive treatment program.

There is widespread acceptance of hippotherapy within the medical/professional and educational communities. The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) and the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) recognize hippotherapy. There are a number of universities that request placement of their health professional students in affiliations that include hippotherapy. A number of school districts pay for school based therapy that includes hippotherapy in a treatment plan because it produces educationally relevant functional outcomes. Major third party payers throughout the country reimburse for treatment that includes the movement of the horse as a treatment tool. Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) are routinely granted for AHA approved and other courses taught by clinicians with recognized expertise in hippotherapy. Articles on the use of the horse in treatment are published in peer reviewed journals such as Physical Therapy, Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, and Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology in addition to numerous articles in clinical publications. Presentations on hippotherapy are given at many Regional, National and International professional conferences.

Hippotherapy, the use of equine movement as a treatment tool, has evolved over 30 years. Through education and clinical experience, therapists will continue to refine the use of hippotherapy in treatment. Using the movement of the horse as the tool of choice has resulted in improved functional outcomes for a wide variety of patients. These positive results ensure that hippotherapy will continue to be used in treatment for many years to come.

Prepared by the American Hippotherapy Association Practice Committee
April 2000 - May be reproduced in its entirety.
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Re: post from several months ago

Post by kalliesmom »

Hi! I think I was the one that posted that about ponies being donated to kids with special needs.
It's called Personal Ponies and this is the url Hope this helps
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Re: post from several months ago

Post by PeggyF »

I tried the search feature to look for it too, but it didn't come up with anything. I was asking for my daughter because she wanted to take beginning lessons.
I do know that it was back in Feb. if that helps.
We didn't start the lessons yet, but my daughter still wants to.
I would go straight to the source of the therapy program and ask questions there, too. Also, consult your child's doctor and therapist to see what they think.

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Re: post from several months ago

Post by admin »

We live in Southwest Missouri that recently got hit with all of the tornados (we had 82 touch down in less than a week- yes, I said 82). We had 3 towns almost completely destroyed around us, my dad almost lost his home and the town he lives in is basically gone. The stables that Logan took hippotherapy at was blown away and 3 horses out of 20 were lost. All the horses were injured. ANYWAY, Logan hasn't had therapy for about 3 weeks now (I call it therapy, she calls it a blast!!). I thought it did wonders for her confidence and her balance. They did all kinds of therapeutic positioning to improve balance and strength. I suggest it to anyone with a bpi child. Thoses horses are wonderful creatures. We have to get her back on and are looking into other nearby stables until this one is rebuilt. It is not a cheap therapy but well worth it. It's also a sport for Logan that she loves and can keep with.