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ER- Romano burn

Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 11:21 am
by LeeAnne
Ok How many of you watched last night? My greatest fears were realized when he caught his arm on fire making a cup of tea.And next week they will amputate. Have any of these kind of ramifications been brought to our attentions for our children as they become more independent? Wouldn't that be something to be considered in court. To think that because of decreased sensation such a thing could happen. I'm watching Michaela like a hawk and she will not get near a fire!!! Sorry but the scene freaked me out. I know in the story he was worse than most of our kids butit was a wake up call. Did it affect any of you this way?

Re: ER- Romano burn

Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 11:32 am
by Francine_Litz
yes this show really made me pause.... I'm going to test her arm later and see where she can feel and where she can't... I know that some areas do feel and others don't.

Re: ER- Romano burn

Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 12:25 pm
by Karen Hillyer
Hey guys,
over here in the Uk we a little way behind you with ER
we just had the episode where Romano is put in charge of the ER - last week we had an incident where Romano trapped his arm in a trolly and cut it without realising.
On the whole, I think that the producers have handled this Romano story line quite well, it is interesting to note just how badly he is affected psychologically by the injury, I hope this is an area they will continue to pursue - (of course, you all probably know whether or not they do by now Duh!)
I think that it's good the way the loss of his career as a surgeon has made him so angry and they are portraying that too. Lets hope that the FULL implications of this injury continue to be highlighted.

Re: ER- Romano burn

Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 1:04 pm
by NancyP
This really made me pause too. I was practically yelling at the tv! "Look! Please Look!" It was awful. What did he call his arm? A useless piece of drift wood? I am proud of the writers for doing their research! Unfortunately, it hits too close to home.


Re: ER- Romano burn

Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 2:15 pm
by Francine_Litz
Karen- unfortunately Romano was so much of an A**h*le BEFORE this happened that it somewhat whitewashes how jerky he's being now. If this happened to Carter then the jerky-ness would be more apparent.

I guess since you guys are so far behind we should write the words SPOILER in the title line if we talk about any of our TV shows??? (on some message boards they write "spoiler" if you are giving away the ending - so that people who don't want to know the ending can choose not to read that section).

Have a good weekend,

Re: ER- Romano burn

Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 2:50 pm
by Joshua
I agree that Romano isn't that much different/angry after his accident than he was before.

My daughter has gotten two contact burns over the years due to the absence of sensation.

Is there ever an ending to spoil on ER? I think that last night was their 200th episode! What a soap opera. I retired from the ER 6 years ago and watching ER gives me the same rush as working in one. I find myself yelling stuff like, "Get a blood-gas you idiot!" at the TV and they usually do. haha- Joshua

Re: ER- Romano burn

Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 3:03 pm
by sunflowers
We constantly worry about this, but you can't shelter them from life.

We can try though.... Mike once trapped his hand when a window came slamming down on it, I would have been in pain for weeks , he just screamed because he couldn't get it out.

Every time he takes a bad fall or something like that happens and we take him to the E they look at us like we have two heads, I don't think they get it!

I pray that never happens to any of our kids.

Re: ER- Romano burn

Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 4:47 pm
by tina arvizu
I do not get to watch ER that much but I did watch it last night. I love Romano anyway, I guess that is the old working girl in me that misses being in charge. I can't talk to my daughter like I did my assistant. I could not believe what I was seeing. I think about Gabrielle doing something like that all the time. I still remember her chewing right through her hand and fingers while teething. I would walk into her room in the mornings to a bloody mess! I know we can all relate to his anger. I will have to tape it next week if I don't get to watch it.

Re: ER- Romano burn

Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 5:34 pm
by Karen Hillyer
Please don't worry about spoiling the episodes for me, I would never stop watching ER anyway - too many good looking men to stop watching! LOL

I agree that prior to this Romano was a TOTAL a**h*le
but I truly think he wasa different a**h*le before his injury lol
He was arrogant, superior, know it all and rude, but now we have anger and fear and vulnerability added to that personality and I feel sure that they will feature him suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as those seem to be the symptoms he is exhibiting.
I feel a real love/hate thing towards him, I think he is a brilliant character and really funny, but I absolutely cringe at some of his comments and insults.
Paul Crane is a very good actor to portray him so well.
I admire ALL of you who have worked and still do work in an ER environment - I would rather poke my own eyes out with needles than be a Nurse lol
well done you all and well done ER !!

Re: ER- Romano burn

Posted: Sat May 03, 2003 12:53 am
by twinsmom13
What is strange about this conversation is that being a 26 year old robpi myself, I had not even thought about the Romano character being like myself. I have never thought about myself as being disabled or handicapped. I feel bad for people in wheel chairs and have other disabilities, but have never felt bad for myself. But I can see how parents of bpis would be worrying constantly about what could happen to their children. The only bad thing I can recall happening to my arm is that I burned it with a curling iron when I was 15 years old. Parents, you don't have to worry so much, we all have the ability to adapt and overcome.