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heart attack question

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 8:17 pm
by njbirk
Ok, now that I have your attention!

Really, this is about heart attacks. I am just wondering if any of you who, like me, have a LOBPI have ever asked your doctor how to look out for the warning signs of a heart attack. Since I have decreased sensation on the left arm, and even where there is sensation it isn't normal by any stretch, how would I ever feel that pain radiating dowm my arm?

Also I have often had chest pain on the left side that I know is just muscle strain because I use chest muscles to compensate. So I'd probably ignore that too.


Nancy (49 years old and hopefully a long way from a heart attack)

Re: heart attack question

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 8:50 pm
by jennyb
Good question Nancy! I have read that altho the outer dermis loses sensation, the inner pain carrying nerves are often intact (deep cutaneous sensation-try saying that after a few beers) so hopefully you would feel the pain. I can't feel a thing when I burn or freeze my hand, until it's been going on about 5 minutes, THEN I feel it deep inside the hand and it HURTS!
Not all heart attacks are preceded by the warning arm pain either......
Let's hope none of us put this theory to the test :0)

Re: heart attack question

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 11:41 pm
by Kathleen M

You got my attention!

Twice I was hospitalized for suspected heart attack.

The first time it was due to nausea and rapid heart beat that was hard to control... Because I am female the first doctor ignored classic female heart symptoms (which differ from male symptoms) When I spoke to a different doctor - I was in the hospital immediately... Cardiac Arrhythmia... (Many females seem to have this during Adolescences II aka Menopause)

The second time I was having problems breathing. I was examined they thought it was classic heart attack symptoms so off I was again in Cardiac Intensive Care... That time it turned out to be - after much testing... what they called silent Asthma I do not wheeze - I just cannot breathe - no cold no signs of asthma attack... That time I again had a Thallium Stress Test... I have them about every two years... It should be once a year because both of my parents had heart disease. My Mother had a heart attack at 34 and my Dad died at 54 from cardiac infarction. Both brothers had bypass at 58...
I have lousy veins and I blow the vein before they complete the stress test. I think next time I am going to CT Scan...

It’s late now but my daughter is a Cardiac Nurse and I will check for the female classic symptoms...

There was a time when only woman with a family history like mine were monitored... But with all the stress placed on women in society today more and more females have heart attacks and due to a lack of information go untreated...

So back to your question it is very hard for us to know... I had all the symptoms and waited and waited and thought nothing of them until I was forced to go to the Hospital... At first I was embarrassed when I went in but the staff assured me that I had all of the classic symptoms and better safe then sorry with my family history...

I just found the American Heart Association Page on Female symptoms ... ifier=3053

I do think even the stroke symptoms would be hard for us to determine... My unaffected side is always tingling and often numb so I just ignore it most of the time...

It is very important to get help immediately... Also many doctors advise taking an aspirin if you suspect you are having a heart attack...

It is one of my worries because of the other two episodes and I fought going to the hospital... But wonder how will I know if my chest is always tight?

This is heavy night time reading! I think I will play like Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind and worry about it tomorrow... hmmm I am so overdue to have that test.

Re: Heart Attack Link

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 12:05 am
by Kathleen
This is a better Link for female symptoms...

As I said I had all the classic signs and so lucky not a heart attack... But a good doctor who realized that woman were under treated...


Re: heart attack question

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:58 pm
by patpxc
I have had a Cardiac Cath ony to be told I have the heart of a 20 year old. I'm 49. I was having chest pains which radiated down my arm--but as I told the Dr. it was due to muscle strain-- I think carrying a lot on my left arm--I am ROBPI I really don't have a lot of loss of sensation. My Erb's arm is a little more sensitive because of lack of muscle tone but I fell hot and cold without a problem. Guess I'm luckier than alot of you. I get some pretty ferocious toothaches in the Erb's arm and spasms in the neck.
Do you have any sensation on the left side t all? From what I hear a heart attack is a pretty severe pain. Hope you never have to test the warning signs and stay healthy for a long time. Pat

Re: heart attack question

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 8:06 pm
by njbirk
Well that is all reassuring! Thanks everyone.
I do have some sensation in my arm, sometimes it is super sensitive and other times there isn't much feeling at all. Hard to explain. what i do know is that is it simply not normal. And since I've not hard a heart attack (knock on wood) I don't know what it feels like!


Re: heart attack question

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 12:15 pm
by Karen Hillyer
Nancy - let's hope you never find out LOL