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best sling

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 11:48 am
by exKTM

I am trying to find out what is the best sling to hold my
right TBI arm to my body
can you tell me what is the best one
according to your experience

Re: best sling

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 1:00 pm
by francine
I don't have personal experience with this but some people wrote to me and I posted it on my splint page...

it's on the bottom of that page...
Maybe someone here has experience with these that you can talk with.

Good luck!

Re: best sling

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 2:15 pm
by sarmstrong806
I have had the same problem for years. I find a sling I like and then it wears out in 2 or 3 months. When I find a good one I buy 3 or 4 at a time. As far as the best type its really what is most comfortable for you. Unless your doctor says otherwise just a regular sling with shoulder strap should hold it good.


Re: best sling

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 3:14 pm
by admin - The Ultimate Sling. I do not wear a sling during the day but when I am running, doing sports, skiing or moving heavy boxes, I wear this and it keeps my arm very snug and comfortable. It is fantastic for running. Make sure that you get the swathe - that is the key. I am 5'11" and got the extra large. It is a perfect fit. My point being that the sizes run small.

Re: best sling

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 5:02 pm
by jennyb
The tbpi in the UK often end up with this one
It's made by a company in Holland who specialise in this kind of thing here's a page listing their splints not sure if they sell products worldwide but the detailed pics might enable you to get something similar nearer where you live. Hope this helps!

Re: best sling

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 5:40 pm
by francine
yep that's the one I have on my site

Re: best sling

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 8:08 pm
by jennyb
it was the pics of Rekha wearing it that made me think my link might be helpful, she had trouble learning how to fit it properly. If you want to talk to anyone who has actually used this splint, ask at the tbpi uk site message board (url for homepage in my profile) or email me by clicking on my name.
I didn't get on at all well with my splint and ditched at pretty quickly, but I'm lucky enough to have a stable shoulder joint and I know these things are invaluable if you have the persistent dislocations/subluxations some tbpi get.
Let us know how you get on :0)

Re: best sling

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 9:31 pm
by Paul
great web concet Jenny.thanks

Re: best sling

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:51 pm
by admin
I ordered this for my son. I think it is great and my son finds it much more comfortable than any others he has used.

Re: best sling

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 4:51 pm
by hdcrash
hey xktm does that stand for the bike co or something else from experince i can tell you there is not a good sling made but that depends on what you need my shoulder isnt stable yet and my therapist and doctors didnt want me to let it hang because it would strech the tendons but sent me home in a sling that held my arm up but didnt support my shoulder so i had to find something on my own i found one at the brace shop bu it took three people to put the darn thing on but i went to the gun shoe in lousville ky and found a hand gun harness that looked like something a cop would wear and took the gun holster and split it apart and reattached it to the harness with some help from a great friend of mine i consider my second mom she stichted it up for me and it works great i have 25 dollars in it and it has adjustments on both ends to fit better it dosent have much padding but it distrbutes the weight over a larger area then regular slings do so it makes up for it know i wish i would havr bought more of them becuse my therapist was really impressed with it and wants to try and find one for another patient i cant find them right know but sure i will come across them again so if you know anybody thats good at stiching or anybody that fools with gun accesories try something you think would be comfortable if any body wants to see a picture of this just let me know and i will get them to you also if anyone knows how i can post pictures of this on this website please let me know be glad to help i know what a pain this can be my email is hdcrash