are there any resources out there to help financially
Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2003 1:56 pm
My name is Justin I had my accident November of 2001 I just had surgery in May 2002 reconnecting some nerves between my deltoids and pec I still cannot lift my arm or do a bicep move. My disablity ran out I am not working yet either. Can anyone give me information on if there are any programs that I can get into to receive help financially. I want to go to school but cannot afford it since I have no income I even had to let my medical insurance go because I could not afford it. I need to know what some of you have been doing and if there is resources available to me I need fianacial and medical help but don't know where to go to get it. I used to do more labor work and I know I need retraining does the State offer any benifits. Any information will be useful to me I need to get my life back on track I have a 1yr old son I need to support.