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Hi i am a Topomax user for migraines, any suggestions?

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 9:22 pm
by nancyL
Hi im 28 and have been on topomax for 3 months now, i am using it for migraines, it has been helping alot i havent had a migraines since then and i usually had migraines at least 2to 3 times a week which was starting to affect my job.....i was just wondering if it is normal to be depressed and cry for nothing. I know some side effects is weight loss which i find great....cause face it i do need it. i was jsut looking on the net and was reading up on this drug and got a little scared, should i be? If u have any suggestion please help me by repliying or emailing me.....thanks...........P.S. I find that i also have less patience when it comes to my son and my friends is this normal?

Re: Hi i am a Topomax user for migraines, any suggestions?

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 9:41 pm
by francine
hi nancy - a good client of mine went on Topomax for neuropathy and it made her VERY depressed - she had to come off and it took about 3 weeks for it to come out of her system...
that's all I know about it,

Re: Hi i am a Topomax user for migraines, any suggestions?

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 11:28 pm
by m&mmom
I am now getting migranes once a month. What works great for me is acupuncture and Reiki energy. I am falling into a pattern so I know when they are going to come and I will take Excedrin M the day before. This past weekend I took the excedrin on Saturday and had a dull headache on Sunday instead of a throbbing migraine. If you're comfortable with alternatives I would highly suggest them.

Re: Hi i am a Topomax user for migraines, any suggestions?

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 12:18 pm
by Stephanie/OR
I also suffer from migraines. Here is a resource board you may want to post your question on. The board is set up similarly to this one.

I do not know anything about Topomax , but I would strongly suggest you contact your prescribing physician since you are experiencing such strong side effects. Good Luck!

Re: Hi i am a Topomax user for migraines, any suggestions?

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2003 2:29 pm
by redhead
Hi, my name is Jackie, I'm 19 and I take topomax for a mood stabolizor because I'm moody and depressed. I don't think you should be taking this medicine for migraines. Your doctor has went a little too far. There are way too many side effects for you. Only reason it's worth it for me to take is so I stay alive everyday. But I know there are is something else for your migraines. Hope this helps.

Re: Hi i am a Topomax user for migraines, any suggestions?

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2003 6:03 pm
by Sophie's Mom
It's great you have found something that works for your migraines, but the side effects sound bad. I get migraines that have recently transformed into chronic daily headaches. There are a large range of meds one can take, as well as some alternative therapies that might work - such as acupuncture, reflexology. I would contact your doctor asap. Hang in there!