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Heard of Dr. Cooney/Mayo Clinic??

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2002 9:07 pm
by Missy K
The reason I'm asking is because we were delivered a huge blow at Mitchell's appointment on Monday. Dr. Drake is retiring from the Shriner Hospital after being there for 23 years. The possiblity of the hospital closing next December more less prompted his decision.

SO...the doctor that we are scheduled to see next time is a BPI specialist from The Mayo Clinic, Dr. Cooney. Has anybody heard of him? Dr. Drake's nurse said that he's well known, but I can't remember if his name has been mentioned here before.

BUT...if the hospital in MN DOES close, the hospital that we would be sent to is in St. Louis. And who knows if there is a BPI specialist there???

SOOO...I think we are going to follow with Dr. Drake's private practice. There is such a trust factor and comfort factor with all of us. It would be hard to go to someone else after all of this time.

I feel terrible about the possibility of the MN hospital closing. And my loyalties to the organization are strong...I'll continue to do any speaking on their oganization they ask me to.

But I need to think about the continuity of care for Mitchell. That's what is most important for him. To you TCHers, would you follow Dr. Nath to where he went??? I bet you would.

Any input/advise would be appreciated.


Re: Heard of Dr. Cooney/Mayo Clinic??

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2002 10:42 pm
by Paula
Yes Missy I would follow Dr Nath to the moon if I had to. I feel like he "knows" my child cause he has seen him before (primary). BUT if I had no other choice you can bet I'd be asking for references, after all these are our kids.

Re: Heard of Dr. Cooney/Mayo Clinic??

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2002 11:07 pm
by francine
Missy - me too - if Dr. Nath would move to Japan we'd follow him there. My vote is to follow Drake.

Re: Heard of Dr. Cooney/Mayo Clinic??

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 5:37 pm
by Missy K

Thank you so much. You are such a big help. Your time is appreciated.


Re: Heard of Dr. Cooney/Mayo Clinic??

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 6:37 pm
by Cara
We go to St. Louis children's. Dr. Park performed the surgery on my daughter and we have been thrilled with the care she has been given there. Feel free to contact me if you end up going there and have any specific questions.

If my thought process is working correctly (big if today) There is a seperate shriner's hospital with different people from the Children's hospital in St. Louis. (I remeber seeing posts when I first got on the board and becoming very confused, not unusual for me.) you might want to make a post about St. Louis Shriners and see if you get a bite.