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You may think I am crazy
Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2002 12:55 pm
by Elisa
Have I lost it? I have a rare and unique opportunity but not sure I can stomach it. I am on this journey to learn more and understand all that I can about my child's injury. I have been struggling to really understand all the muscles, how they are connected, etc. My curiosity led to a bizarre opportunity to have a professor (head of a PT program)at a university, disect and show me all the various muscles involved with the shoulder on a cadaver. Can't believe I am even considering it but I am very interested and think it is a unique opportunity. Just hope I can stomach it and that I wouldn't find it too upsetting.
If you think I have lost it, feel free to let me know, sometimes I question my sanity lately any ways!
Re: You may think I am crazy
Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2002 12:58 pm
by Julie-work
I remember another Mom that did the same thing recently. She will probably respond and tell you about it. I think that it is a great idea and have often mentioned to my co-workers that I would love to do it. They all think I'm crazy! It doesn't surprise my husband at all because I am always watching real-life medical shows on cable!!! Can't get enough of it! Go for it if you can stomach it.
Re: You may think I am crazy
Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2002 1:23 pm
by Tessie258
I think it is great that you are seeking education!!! My daughter recently went on a fieldtrip where they looked at cadavers and she said it wasn't that bad...Good for you....We will do anything for our kids!!!!
Re: You may think I am crazy
Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2002 1:34 pm
by francine
I think it's great! I actually just asked Dr. Nath if cadaver anatomy was going to be included in the TCH event in January - but it's not because there are med school ethics rules about this because none of us are doctors in training... I think this is an amazing opportunity - and I hope you can get past the obvious issues of the reality of it. As much as I think I could do it, it might be different once I'm in the room! LOL I think they cover the face in respect so if you can just look at the arm for what it is, an arm then maybe it'll be easier.
Re: You may think I am crazy
Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2002 3:30 pm
by jennyb
I don't think you're crazy, I'd LOVE to see this. We were just discussing this issue on the tbpi uk board as the first public cadaver dissection in 170 years was recently performed in London and shown on national tv. It was done by a guy who has found a way of preserving bodies by 'plasticising' them and made an exhibition of them showing all the organs, here's a shot of one clearly showing the brachial plexus (not for the squeamish, this is a real body) ... 86,00.html apparently 30 parties of schoolchildren a day are going through this exhibition. I wish I could go and visit this, it's fascinating to me.
Re: You may think I am crazy
Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2002 3:45 pm
by Elisa
Unbelievable! Just looking at that makes you realize just how incredibly complex these injuries are and why. Thanks so much for sharing that. Off to a good start (I guess) since I could stomach that no problem.
Re: You may think I am crazy
Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2002 8:23 pm
by christy
I would love to do this. I have a couple of coworkers that we really get into looking at the gory pics in our patient charts but the others get kind of sick. We are allowed to "observe" surgeries where I work but we don't do OBPI but I would really like to watch one of the traumatic ones. Of course that would mean I would have to be nice enough to that particular doc long enough for him to approve...and that is very hard to do, lol!
Re: You may think I am crazy
Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2002 8:41 pm
by francine
JENNY - that was amazing!! Thanks for posting this - WOW!!
Re: You may think I am crazy
Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2002 9:52 pm
by pattisy
Elisa, how awesome for you!!! I wish I could have that experience! And Jenny, thanks for that link! That's some interesting stuff!
Re: You may think I am crazy
Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2002 11:30 pm
by Missy K
JENNY, JENNY, JENNY!!! That was just amazing!! Thanks so much for posting that link!
Elisa, what a wonderful opportunity...go for it! You'll be able to do it. You more than likely will just see that portion of the body anyhow, the face will probably be covered up. Hey, I go to the morgue at work if my shift is slow. A girl can learn a lot down there!!
Have fun (oooh...sorry if that sounded too offense intended)