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Thanksgiving Gratitude Post

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2002 10:43 am
by francine
We made this huge chain around the world for Awareness Week and I feel as if nobody has stepped away from it yet.

In honor of Thanksgiving this week, how about if we share posts of gratitude and a great big group hug!

Re: Thanksgiving Gratitude Post

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2002 11:15 am
by Cara
I am grateful for my family and friends, my new job and being done with my college classes. I am also grateful for all the wonderful people I have met throught the message board. Thanks for being there when I needed a shoulder to cry on or a brick wall to bang my head against. Big hugs and happy holidays to all of you and your families.

May the peace of the Lord always be with you

Re: Thanksgiving Gratitude Post

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2002 12:16 pm
by francine
Out of all the things I have always mentioned that I am grateful for already, I'm going to set those aside for now...

I will be having my 10th anniversary soon - and I am extremely grateful to be with my husband and especially now after all we have been through.

and... I am grateful to be alive so that I can be at a Thanksgiving table with both of my children and my wonderful husband.

Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!

Re: Thanksgiving Gratitude Post

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2002 1:13 pm
by Julie-work
Through tears I am writing this...

I am thankful for my 2 beautiful daughters, for my understanding husband who puts up with my many moods, for my extemely helpful and loving family, for the doctors/nurses/staff at TCH for giving my daughter hope of being able to use her arm, for the many therapists who have worked with my daughter, for the wonderful families that I have met due to my daughter's injury, and for the strength to continue fighting for my daughter.

Everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

Re: Thanksgiving Gratitude Post

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2002 1:32 pm
by sharlon
i am thankful for all of the Lord's blessings, for my beautiful girl, and husband and family. i am also thankful this year that when i am stuggling to start a new business that my family believes in me and supports me. for that i am most grateful

Re: Thanksgiving Gratitude Post

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2002 2:17 pm
by Tina
I am Thankful for family and friends.
I am Thankful for the clear night air and warm gentle breezes.
I am Thankful for the kindness of strangers and the compassion of those close to me.
I am Thankful for being strong enough to rise above adversity.
I am Thankful for every day I have to spend with those I love......................

Re: Thanksgiving Gratitude Post

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2002 4:22 pm
by admin
This Thanksgiving I am Thankful for:
My family and the love we share. I am thankful that I have 2 beautiful little girls and a wonderful husband. I am thankful for the roof over my head,the food we eat and the clothes we wear. I am thankful that God gives me the strength to overcome the hard days and the happiness to enjoy the easy days. I am thankful for every minute I have to share with my daughters. I am thankful for my friends who are like family to me. I am thankful for the ability to talk to other mothers who have a child with Erb's Palsy. I am thankful that God has given Mariella a good recovery. I am thankful for her therapists, doctors and all of the info I have learned here. Last Thanksgiving Ella was only 2 months old and I had no idea what her future would be. If only I knew then what today held for her! Thanks to everyone who is always there for my questions and other posts. Happy Thanksgiving!

Re: Thanksgiving Gratitude Post

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2002 4:57 pm
by Connie&Andrew
I am grateful for my family, for my 5 wonderful children and a super husband. I am grateful for this beautiful world that we have to live in. I am thankful for my faith in a Heavenly Father who loves me.
I am thankful for all of you and the support and comfort we all share.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.


Re: Thanksgiving Gratitude Post

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2002 5:21 pm
by CW1992
Here is an essay Brittney wrote last Thanksgiving (age 9) for school about what she's thankful for at Thanksgiving. I have saved it because it makes me happy - thought I'd share it.

"I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for my Dad who plays Jackle with me, plays catch with me, takes me to the pool, and loves me very much. I am thankful for my Mom who takes care of me when I'm sick, who takes me on Mom/daughter shopping trips, who makes a delicious supper, takes me to everywhere I need to be, and loves me very much. I am thankful for my little sister Sabrina who says I'm the best big sister in the world, who plays with me when I'm bored, who tells me all of her friends secrets, and loves me very much. I am thankful for my cat who makes me laugh and feel better when I'm sad, who carried my hamster in it's mouth UNHARMED, who sleeps with me every night, and who loves me very much. I'm thankful for my hamster who is the sweetest thing in the world, who barely ever bites me, and loves me very much. I'm thankful for our dog who is hyper and lazy at the same time, who plays with me, who gets on her back hoping for a belly scratch everytime I get near her, who's perking her ears up right now at the sound of her name, and who loves me very much. I'm thankful for my sister's hamster who is the fattest hamster I've ever seen and for our other cat who is scared of everyone but my Mom and only comes out at night. She can also catch a fly in her mouth in mid air. This is my family and I'm thankful for everyone of them." The end.

Myself - I'm thankful for my best friend/husband, for essays like Brittney's, Sabrina's funny drawings, the many "I Love you's", and all of the laughing and fun that our family has together.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!!

Re: Thanksgiving Gratitude Post

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2002 6:09 pm
by Kath
I am Thankful for my fath - it has sustained me and given me unbelievable grace during times of trial.

I am Thankful for all of the many wonderful people who share my life.
I am thankful for this special week in our family
Our 37th Anniversary tomorrow. Thanksgiving Day is my daughters 35 birthday and on Saturday my grandson will be 5... Ever year November is a time of celebration for our family and a time to be grateful.
I am thankful for my husbands support,understand and encouragement as I took my personal journey to understand my birth injury
I am thankful for my three loving children and my wonderful son and daughter in law and of course my four loving and beautiful granchildren.
I am so thankful for the blessing of life long friends who have been such a major source of support and love for our family. Each year I thank God for the special blessing of friends.

I am so very Thankful that the Lord spared my grandaughter and has restored her to us a healthy and thriving 17 month old.
We Thank God every day for this special blessing.

I am especially grateful for all the many wonderful people here at these message boards. I have come to consider many of them my friends. This injury has brought some great rewards in the way of life long friendships. People I would never have met had I not been researching something that was very personal and private to me... Thank you all for your support and prayers during the past three years.

I am Thankful that the Lord choose my Mother for me and that she was my greatest cheerleader...
