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Info for Schools

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2002 12:42 am
by admin
I just had to mention how helpful the brochure "information for schools", that is on this site under 'resources' is. I was at the school today doing an IEP for my daughter who has ADD, and we got to talking about Joey (my 6 yr old with Erb's). They mentioned that it would be helpful for them to have specifics on what accomodations Joey may need due to his injury. I started to type what I thought might be helpful and then remembered this site.'s already done! They even included ideas that I didn't even think of. I will make sure that the physical education teacher gets his own copy as will his teacher. The school will also be evaluating him to see if he can get in-school OT.
It's been awhile since I last visited this site. Joey is now in Kindergarten. We had him evaluated by the Doc's from Texas who said that Joey may benefit from the Mod Quad, but that it was up to us, as he is doing very well without it. We are still deciding....
Because I am a resource person for the state of Illinois, I have gotten a couple of phone calls from Moms with newly diagnosed kids with Erb's. This has been most rewarding. I can remember when my son was born, how I wished that there was someone out there who I could call and get some much needed support. I make sure to connect these Moms to this website.
Take Care.
Joey's Mom (Sue)

Re: Info for Schools

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2002 6:27 pm
by Cara
You are so right! The info is great. My daughter has BPI and I am also a teacher. I would suggest giving this information to any teacher your child comes in contact with. Some schools are better than others about distributing information. Teachers in special classes can really use this info (physical education, music, art, technology, and vocational) so that they can make modifications. I teach food science, you would be suprised how many of my kids I don't get info on food allergies for. If your school uses aids of para professionals a copy for them would be good. Times like recess and lunch are sometimes only supervised by support staff.

BTW I think it is wonderful that you act as a resorce person. Bless you for helping out the new moms and their young ones by providing information and support!

Re: Info for Schools

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2002 8:30 pm
by Alice
My son Joshua is in Kindergarten this year. He has a left BPI. He was approved for school OT and speech, each are 2xs a week. It was not an easy battle. They tell me he may not qualify next year--but then again they said that this year too. I made copies of the school info off the site and gave to all his teachers (speech, OT, gym, nurse and of course the regular teacher). My son had the mod quad when he was 3, which he did benefit from. Also something good to note, I made copies off the site and sent to the school district BEFORE my meeting so they had time to read about the injury and know how it affects my son. I definately think that it helped. Just wanted to share :)

Re: Info for Schools

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2002 11:29 pm
by jaredsmomdeb
ok i might be blonde but i couldn't find that info under recources for schools!can someone help this blonde out. i looked for it and had no luck i'd really liek to send ifo to school and my sons teachers to educate them on this .

Re: Info for Schools

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2002 12:51 am
by francine

resources section

look for the special link button for blondes...
just kidding! LOL