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Hello fellow obpi, new here
Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 1:01 pm
by frankie
I am 26 years old and recently stumbled unto this site. Just thought I would say hello. What are the age ranges here? I am interested to know if there is anything new out there for me. That I can actually maybe afford.
Re: Hello fellow obpi, new here
Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 2:54 pm
by Kathleen
Hello again
Frankie try to read the introductions post... it tell a little about the range of those posting on this board....
I am no longer the oldest thanks to JohnP...
We have a lot more lurkers then poster... Hi guys....
Re: Hello fellow obpi, new here
Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2002 12:32 am
by Stephanie
Welcome Frankie!
I am 52 years old, left OBPI.
It seems that there are all age ranges on this board from time to time. Most of our issues are the same, regardless.
What are you looking for in what's new for you?
Surgeries? PT? Gadgets?
We have them all here! LOL!
Re: Hello fellow obpi, new here
Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2002 10:25 am
by frankie
It is like Kathleen told me I just forgot about it and learned to live with it. Until just a few days ago i thought I would just keep living life the way it has always been. I have a new found insight now I think.
Re: Hello fellow obpi, new here
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2002 3:15 pm
by Erica DeAnn
Hi Frankie! Welcome to the board! I don't post too much (only have access at work....don't want to get in trouble)! I'm 25 with ROBPI. I work in Toledo, OH as a Communications Specialist & Web Administrator. Since I couldn't play sports growing up, I learned to YAK up a storm! Hence my title as Comm. Spec.!!
I think you'll find the board here very supportive, helpful, and fun! Take care!
Erica DeAnn
Re: Hello fellow obpi, new here
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2002 4:46 pm
by njbirk
Guess I'd better log in here.
I'm 49, LOBPI. I decided, on good advice, that next birthday I will begin counting the other way ...
Re: Hello fellow obpi, new here
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2002 5:16 pm
by Kathleen M
LOL... Nancy.... and I will be getting younger then you.... LOL... one must reach 50 to start counting backwards that's the rule ...LOL... in fact now I am younger ...LOL... I think that makes me 37 on my next birthday...LOL... ha ha ha
Re: Hello fellow obpi, new here
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2002 9:52 pm
by admin
It's so cool to see you on the board. I'm 26 also and only "discovered" my obpi a year ago. I just lived with my shrimpy arm completely clueless that there was a name for my injury or even others with it. I found this board after I reinjured my arm and my doctor suggested I search the internet for "brachial plexus injury". That was the first time I had heard the term. My wife is always suggesting that I go on this board whenever I'm feeling down about my arm but I tell her that there doesn't seem to be anyone here my age. Well, anyway, I'm glad to see you here and feel free to email me. That goes for anyone actually. I would appreciate hearing other peoples stories.
Re: Hello fellow obpi, new here
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2002 11:17 pm
by jep98056
Hello Frankie, John P. here, ROBPI. As Kathleen likes to point out, I'm the senior member of these forums so far (63 5/12 years). I came across these forums several months ago while searching for BPI info. I've found them very informative and useful. The topics are varied, ranging from surgical procedures to every day living issues to venting frustrations. I'm a lurker mostly but will add my thoughts when I think that they would add to the discussion.
John P.
Re: Hello fellow obpi, new here
Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2002 12:11 am
by patpxc
Hi! I'm 49 ROBI and I'm going to start counting backwards next year too. We all get frustrated with our arm. This is the place where you can say anything you want and someone is going to understand. As one of the old-- vut not the oldest ones, the big thing you need to be aware of is the overuse that can affect your good arm and -rellay your entire body. Things like early arthritis, carpal tunnel, scoliosis--to name a few. Kath or Stephanie write better than I do, so I'll ask them to write about it . There are things that will slow this process down a little. Welcome aboard. Pat