Settlement Conference A Joke-We're Going To Trial!
Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2002 2:35 pm
Long Time No Speak. I've been so absolutely busy watching my life fall apart at the seams there's been no time for the computer. . . . so sorry it's been awhile. Some of you "oldies but goodies" know me and Cassidy!
Little Update - Cassidy recovered well from Capsulodesis/Bicep Lengthening. Doing great in therapy - started Pre-School. . . very happy kid!
Darian - doing good - off meds for Bi-Polar and seems to be doing OK.
Marriage - Over! Divorce will be final Oct. 31st.....way better off this way. We're doing much better as friends - and he's still a great Daddy!
LAWSUIT: What a JOKE! We went to our so-called "Settlement Conference" on Wednesday. . our Attorney flew all the way to MI from Boston, Ex took the Day off work (without pay of course - since all the vacation time got used up for Cassidy's surgery) - I worked the night before and didn't go to sleep at all so we could all be in Farmington Hills at 9:00 a.m. for our Settlement Conference to find out what???? They have NOTHING to offer! The Insurance Companies Attorney (Or Hatchet Man - whatever you want to call him) says his company is in their "Trial Year" so all cases go to trial!
I was furious! A phone call would have been just fine for that info! No need for all that wasted time and money!
So our Attorney says: Oh Well, we'll go to trial. . see you in court! He has no problem - says my case is good - black and white - they're prepared for trial by the time we go to the Settlement Conference anyway. . .isn't anything but a couple more months!
I'm just wondering what other portion of my life can fall apart in a couple more months! So far, there's not a whole hell of a lot left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Little Update - Cassidy recovered well from Capsulodesis/Bicep Lengthening. Doing great in therapy - started Pre-School. . . very happy kid!
Darian - doing good - off meds for Bi-Polar and seems to be doing OK.
Marriage - Over! Divorce will be final Oct. 31st.....way better off this way. We're doing much better as friends - and he's still a great Daddy!
LAWSUIT: What a JOKE! We went to our so-called "Settlement Conference" on Wednesday. . our Attorney flew all the way to MI from Boston, Ex took the Day off work (without pay of course - since all the vacation time got used up for Cassidy's surgery) - I worked the night before and didn't go to sleep at all so we could all be in Farmington Hills at 9:00 a.m. for our Settlement Conference to find out what???? They have NOTHING to offer! The Insurance Companies Attorney (Or Hatchet Man - whatever you want to call him) says his company is in their "Trial Year" so all cases go to trial!
I was furious! A phone call would have been just fine for that info! No need for all that wasted time and money!
So our Attorney says: Oh Well, we'll go to trial. . see you in court! He has no problem - says my case is good - black and white - they're prepared for trial by the time we go to the Settlement Conference anyway. . .isn't anything but a couple more months!
I'm just wondering what other portion of my life can fall apart in a couple more months! So far, there's not a whole hell of a lot left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!