chiropractic care for pain management

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
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chiropractic care for pain management

Post by denisezea »

Has anyone tried chiropractic care for pain management and if so what was the outcome?
I am looking for pain management options that don't include meds, injections or surgery (had three already and no better.) I am trying to start a family and get on with my life-- it's been two years and have seen numerous doc's, surgeons, pt's, pain management specialists, neurologists-- at this point the doc's say look for alternative medicine treatments. If anyone has any suggestions i would greatly appreciate them!
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Re: chiropractic care for pain management

Post by francine »

Since you are looking for a non-traditional pain management alterternative- I would highly suggest you look into two things....
go to the freebie section and print the manual.

I'd be happy to talk you through a couple of sessions.
It's been very helpful for me.

and also- constitutional homeopathy. This won't cure your pain but if administered correctly it should bring your body into much more of a neutral state so that you can better deal with the pain.

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Re: chiropractic care for pain management

Post by francine »

denise- just read on the other thread that you are from PA? I'm in Ambler (Fort washington exit off PA turnpike- exit 26) - how close are you? I'd love to teach you that EFT stuff... and also I am a bodywork therapist - maybe I can be of some help?

let me know where you are...
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Re: chiropractic care for pain management

Post by m&mmom »

Our son is not old enough to let us know what is bothering him but we have used a few different treatments that seem to be working out well. He is 18 months old and has had two surgeries to date which required minimal medication afterwards and was back on his feet in no time.
He alternative treatments include acupuncture, chiropractic and Reiki energy.
Site Admin
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Re: chiropractic care for pain management

Post by admin »

I would have accupuncture before physical therapy
and it worked great for pain control. Then they
used accupuncture with EMS to stimulate nerve conduction to my muscles to get back some muscle tone.
It worked after 3 years, it is hard to keep muscle
tone while the nerve tries to heal. But by putting
the needles into the muscles and using electrical
stimulation it kept me from loosing all of my muscle
tone. I could not move my arm on my own for over
a year, but with maintaining muscle tone gradually
my movement and strength returned. My arm is not
100% but it is probably 85%.
John K
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Re: chiropractic care for pain management

Post by John K »


Have you thought about seeing an osteopath? I meet one through one of my customers. She was just getting started treating people and she helped me alot. I dont see her very regular anymore but i'm thinking about seeking out someone more experienced. Her mentor treated me one session and I was amazed he could tell alot about my injuries just by feeling my body. He did not look at my medical records either he said he could just feel it. At first I thought he was crazy. But after worked on me I was impressed.

You should consult you nueroligist to recommend a good osteopath. My nueroligist refered me to another man who he says is like the mentor I described above. I havent tried him yet but my local nueroligist and his wife both visit him.

It sounds wierd and lots of drs dont believe in it but after the more experienced osteopath treated me I instantly noticed relief. And if you are like me I was ready to try anything except another drug to give me some relief. He did a few small adjustments like a chiropractor and lots of fluid work. It takes a while to explain but if you are interested i can elaborate more just email me. Im terrible at the technical terms but i think i can explain it good enough for you to understand what they are doing.
