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New here

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 1:03 pm
by tomtom1
Trauma at birth caused my BPI, meaning I can't use my left arm. Aside from this I am a normal 23 year old guy, I work, drive, go to the gym etc. However I've never met or spoke to anyone who has a similar injury.

In the past year my shoulder has started to raise quite significantly, assumably because its never been used, I wondered if anyone has had any treatments for this to try and cure?

The only thing that bothers me about my left arm is how it looks and now how its affecting my left side in general, would be good to chat to anyone who has gone through or is going through something similar.

Re: New here

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 7:03 am
by Master DIVER TOM
I have birth erbs from the 50s,
My erbs arm has that rising shoulder to , like what you said.
Over the years as my good got stronger , I did see a difference in my shoulders.
I think it because , I built my right arm . Normal for us ??
What I wish I could of found is a operation to straiten the bend in my erbs elbow.
I guess it normal to in erbs ???
Overtime I have thought about how my arm and shuolder look. But it pointless,to look in a mirror and get down about it.
Stay focuss on what you can do, You are doing great , in adapting to liveing in a 2 arm world.

I would get on UBPN Face Book to and ask your question to.
Hope this helps??