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Can't put hand on hip - follow-up surgery needed?

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 12:24 pm
by RLM2323
DD had the mod quad when she was almost 2. Surgery was extremely successful and she now has about 85% functionality except she can't put her hand on her hip or behind her back without help. She is now 5 1/2. Her surgeon mentioned a follow-up surgery to loosen the shoulder might help. Anyone have experience with this? I don't want to put her through another surgery unless we are confident it will work. I can't seem to find any info on this. Thoughts?

Re: Can't put hand on hip - follow-up surgery needed?

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 12:57 pm
by richinma2005
I would ask what losses might occur with added surgery to gain what might not be very useful movements in normal day to day activities.

Re: Can't put hand on hip - follow-up surgery needed?

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:05 pm
by ASC
Exercise, exercise, and more exercise for the limb! Then, think about another surgery.

"Just One More Step"

Re: Can't put hand on hip - follow-up surgery needed?

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 12:35 pm
by nursing3612
Hi! My daughter is now 14. Those two movements are the only two that were an issue. She uses her other hand to place the obpi in the right spot. Its so quick you don't even notice it. She is one of three freshman who made the drill team this yr. She is successful in everything she does. Im just not sure a surgery is worth it... I would wait. Good luck in whatever decision you make :)

Re: Can't put hand on hip - follow-up surgery needed?

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 6:14 am
by Master DIVER TOM
Very interesting :shock:
Coming from a world of no surgeries , from birth erbs in the 50s :roll:
You really can adapt with so little usage, Oh I could never ever put my hand on my hip or tuck a shirt in on my erbs side :shock:
The real true is to me :shock: :roll:
We by post , find are way to adapt overtime no matter when they happen :shock: ;) when a person can teach your self to adapt your way 1 handed is a life long goal :D If you can or not ?? learning to help the good arm grasp the bad arm and only need to grasp with end reach . I have done this for my life time and others have post here to :D
The next surgery maybe, because you really need to do something you cant overcome with 1 1/2 arms overtime :roll: The flip side you use your limitation , by a :idea: idea of adapting and trying and exercising your limitation in your trys. Focus more on what work out than what did not in life :shock:
My Mom wish there was help for my erbs, But then I end up driving a semi with very limited range. Then she just had to worry about my trys :shock:
The Joy is the try ;) sometimes outcomes need help by surgery to ,if you can only find a doctor that will help the needed increase of usage to do something you cant overcome by adapting your way.
There is a interesting amount of post and pictures ware many do amazing one arm things with there limited arm sling.
There no direction for sure ,with these injury no matter when they happen or when parent try to help there child :shock:
It all about trying and the Tenacity and finding your own way. it real happens :D and post after post you see this happen to all with or without direction . The joy and focus is how to try, in-spite of outcome.
Just Thinking, :shock: :roll:

Re: Can't put hand on hip - follow-up surgery needed?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:43 pm
by brachialplexushurts
I'm 23 with an obpi. I've never had surgery. When I was a little girl I couldn't put my hand on my hip but once I hit puberty I was able to. I don't know if that information will help you make your decision but I thought you might want to know! I still can't put my hand behind my back though. Good luck to you and your daughter :)

Re: Can't put hand on hip - follow-up surgery needed?

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 5:30 am
by Master DIVER TOM
Great Post :shock: :D
How to adapt, and when to get the next surgery :roll:
In our world of injuries :roll:
The situation is of panic :evil: :twisted: Fact somethings with these injury , do have a time eliminate to, at birth or latter in life to ;) finding the right doctor in time??? that the quest :shock:
I like many posting here :shock: If there is away to get the bend out of a arm,waters arm :shock: do it ,if there is away without loosing needed other function :shock: ;)
Find away to increase grasp is Very important, by therapy or we learn to adapt by using our limitation as we can :shock: ;)
Moving and stretching the limited arm will help, finding a interest or sport that helps do this is great ;) its away to fit in with others :roll: ;) The best way to move forward is when you learn to adapt or finding a surgery, maybe need to get past your current limitation :roll:
Overtime and post :roll: We get over are limitations by trying our-way and by fact and post.
Everyone has there starting point, Just remember we are all on a quest to learn and grow by ways to adapt .
We are all doing great!!! ;) :D by so many posting here :D