My sweet Kennedy :)
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 4:46 pm
Good afternoon. My name is Con Sonya Hill and my daughters name is Kennedy and she is my little hero. Kennedy is 9 yrs old and has a right BPI injruy from birth. Kennedy, has touched every person that has graced her presence by her courage and determination. Kennedy, has had two surgeries by Dr. Scott Kozin in Philadelphia (Shriners). Kennedy's first surgery was a nerve transfer at 4 months of age and she had a tendon transfer from her leg to her arm at 7 yrs of age. Kennedy dances, swims, recently started playing piano and was crowned Little Miss Majestic Palmetto Nation in September of 2013. Kennedy has done youtube videos to teach other children how to tie their shoes using their mouth. Her videos have already helped other children She has also maintained staying on the honor roll since she first stepped in school. Kennedy will also be accompaining Miss Spartanburg (Lustra Miller) to the Miss South Carolina Pageant in June as a Little Miss Palmetto Princess. We hope by sharing Kennedy's story that other girls and boys will know that they can do anything they want to with determination. One of our motto's is REACH FOR THE STARS EVEN IF IT'S WITH ONE HAND. We hope her story will touch someone else as she has touched so many. Thank you for taking the time to hear her story.