What kind of person would I be without OBPI
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 4:35 pm
I have asked myself this question many times in my life. Imagine two normal (and I use the term as a generalization) arms.
Would I be the same as I am today? A very self-sufficient person with many abilities and a positive attitude towards life. I show compassion and empathy towards others with or without BPI. I celebrate each and everyday above the ground. Moreover, I like whom I am as a person. I live a life that I only have known all of my years. Compared to TBPI, which, in itself is life changing. I have never known the gift of being able to be an athlete or just to be able to utilize both arms at 100%. However, throughout my process of adjusting to my daily my daily life, I have been very surprised at what I can do with ROBPI. There is a saying that a broken clock is correct two times of the day...so never give up on anyone.
Tony (ASC)
Would I be the same as I am today? A very self-sufficient person with many abilities and a positive attitude towards life. I show compassion and empathy towards others with or without BPI. I celebrate each and everyday above the ground. Moreover, I like whom I am as a person. I live a life that I only have known all of my years. Compared to TBPI, which, in itself is life changing. I have never known the gift of being able to be an athlete or just to be able to utilize both arms at 100%. However, throughout my process of adjusting to my daily my daily life, I have been very surprised at what I can do with ROBPI. There is a saying that a broken clock is correct two times of the day...so never give up on anyone.
Tony (ASC)