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Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 7:24 pm
by JsWoody
I have some questions about Neurostimulation. I'd like to know if anyone is using one is it helping and how severe their injury is. My injury is nearly 20 years old and I have 4 avulsions. I have never found anything to help with the pain that didn't have huge side effects. I hate medications and am terrible about taking them. If this is something that would help I'm willing to try but i'm also not really interested in another surgery that will not help. If anyone has any info that could help I would appreciate it greatly.
Thanks, Jeff

Re: Neurostimulation

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 10:04 am
by GMcG
Hi Jeff.
My new pain "doctor" has recently started pushing me into this neurostimulation implant. Sometime soon I will be forced to have a meeting with a representative from the drug company that provides these implants, though I must admit I am wary because I've heard that those with brachial plexus injuries often don't respond well. The info from the drug company paint a different picture, of course -- I'm not apt to trust that information when getting robotic implanted into my spinal cord. I would really hope for some more feedback from others who've had the procedure or the trials?
Please let me know how things are continuing for you, Jeff. Best wishes.

Re: Neurostimulation

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 10:04 am
by GMcG
Hi Jeff.
My new pain "doctor" has recently started pushing me into this neurostimulation implant. Sometime soon I will be forced to have a meeting with a representative from the drug company that provides these implants, though I must admit I am wary because I've heard that those with brachial plexus injuries often don't respond well. The info from the drug company paint a different picture, of course -- I'm not apt to trust that information when getting robotic implanted into my spinal cord. I would really hope for some more feedback from others who've had the procedure or the trials?
Please let me know how things are continuing for you, Jeff. Best wishes.

Re: Neurostimulation

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 6:32 am
by Master DIVER TOM
Interesting thing about pain I was born into it with birth erbs :shock:
I have had way to many pain relief trys, Problem with pills is having to increase dose to maintain some degree of pain relief. Because of this my quest continues 62 yrs. , late :roll:
I cant explain how we can put our body threw so much Extra Pain in how we adapt in life??? But we do by So many post here.
I wonder do they have pain patch to deaden nerves , Ill take a box ;)
Great Robots :shock: Really? :roll:
How much help is any tens unit for pain?? increase mine but then I drove a semi and load semis at night at Ups to.
What I do use is Ice to stimulate nerves and cool down the nerves that hurt after a long day, Ouch, That my caveman way ;)
What Amazes me is OUR will to try and the increase pain we get into by doing so just like other post, here :shock: ;)
The future is here with robot in-plants ?? :shock:
From the caveman
Im thinking?? :roll:
I dont like side effects from pain med and some I never took :shock:
Because this is a new thing with a robot , being monitored for side affects may be ask for and that if the robot does not work out it can be Easily taken out without causing any future injury by removal of robot?? :roll:
Just thinking,
I guess in the future dealing with these injury will be part BORG :shock: ;) ;) They do make bionic arms that a fact ;) :D and not just a hope :shock: ;)
Please keep us posted ;) , Guys

Re: Neurostimulation

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 1:37 am
by JsWoody
I talked to St. Judes ambassador program and they had nobody in their program I could speak to with a similar injury so I'm not doing it.

Re: Neurostimulation

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 9:22 pm
by shan.pratt
I am currently looking into it...I think I am willing to do the trial (week long of wearing an external device). At least its not the full surgery before I know if it works or not. One of my biggest struggles with this injury is thinking of living every moment with this kind of pain. I am sure you all understand! I have only had my TBPI about a year and I think sometimes I will go crazy :? with the pain. Best of wishes to your searches...I will keep you posted if I go through with it.

Re: Neurostimulation

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 1:19 am
by ASC
The stimulation can be painful and dangerous. Think about an electrical charge going through the spinal cord and BP nerves. This is not a fix all. Only, actual exercise may help stimulate the nerves. I have been that route and do not like the sensation. I use my limb daily assisted and unassisted. Try to build muscle and nerve connections. It is a tedious task, but, well worth the effort.

Tony (ASC)

Re: Neurostimulation

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:31 pm
by JsWoody
Tony, I can NOT build muscle mass. We have different injuries also. I honestly love electricity its the surgery that I don't want. I was at the Cleveland Clinic Pain Center today and they also think I should try it. I'm going to think about it this next week and make my decision. I hate meds and don't want to take them for the rest of my life. I'll let you all know what I decide and if it helps.