Humeral Osteotomy

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Humeral Osteotomy

Post by anotherbpimom »

I'm freaking out over this one. I only know it's not cut by the growth plate, they will use a splint, not a cast and the bone will be re-attached with a metal plate.

But, if the arm is turned, why wouldn't the bend point outward?

I'm worried about pain. The last surgery was surprisingly almost pain free... Obviously b/c the nerves weren't on speaking terms with the parts affected. But that was one surgery.

I'm worried about her mortality!! She's had lots of surgeries and has been put under over 6 times already. But THIS one I'm freaked about. Call it mother's intuition. OR, perhaps being totally fried by 5 1/2 years of this crap.

I'm worried about loss of function, or maybe she won't be happy, or???

Please tell me about what you know and your experiences. If you wouldn't mind. Thanks.
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Re: Humeral Osteotomy

Post by Master DIVER TOM »

Maybe I can Help on near freaking out ?? :shock:
I Never had treatment or surgeries from birth erbs in the 50s.
I am in AW by the treatment of today and a surgery like this :shock: , I see post here on all sights about so many things being done , but a huge,quest comes with the one that is in time and will give the most function?? :roll:
What I do know that some operation are needed because of the time eliminate issues :shock:
Some can wait ???? :roll: That the problem Not Knowing what to do :roll:
I have learn you have to bug doctors, No doctor EVER told me about any help for my birth erbs :evil: :twisted: . When in dout ask more question of the doctor sit down and write them down :roll: Is this operation on absolute something need now?? If its more about function, then bug the Doctor to explain the benefit more? Can it wait to get a second option, because your not sure, IT Is a good reason to question More, I think , :shock:
I hope you do have a chance to stop the surgeries and can wait , Somethings freak me out over my life time, Finding Direction is the quest, and the more you learn to understand is by asking the right questions, And are very hard to find a lot of times , I think :roll: ;)
Just reflecting to try to help< But I never had surgeries or treatment, Drove a semi for 25 years with limited use in my erbs arm, Had issues with doctors over my limitation and driving a semi, Do thing work out , by fact they do by Sooo many Post on all sights and are on that quest to! ;) :D
Near freaking out always has happen to me when trying to adapt in life, But some of my best trys, came from near freaking out till I found a direction to try :shock: ;)

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Joined: Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:21 am
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Mom to Juliana. Born in 1999. LOBPI c-4 thru c-8 injury.

Re: Humeral Osteotomy

Post by claudias »

A couple of things about humeral osteotomy. First, I would think you got multiple opinions as to whether or not this will accomplish the functional goal you are looking for, yes? if not, I wouldn't move forward without consulting at least one more bpi specialist.

Second, humeral osteotomy is one of the oldest orthopedic surgeries around. Done properly, it is very successful and has a great outcome. However, you do have to make sure that it will do what you want it to. I know a couple of kids (well, they are now teens!)who had this and are very pleased that they did.

Third, any time any one goes under anesthesia there is fear, so I totally get that. If you really, really uncomfortable with this, then just don't do it. Could this surgery improve your child's function? yes. Will it save your child's life? no. always, there is a choice and the choice is yours and, if your child is old enough, your child's. Don't be bullied by a doctor who just wants to cut or be bullied by your own thoughts to "do it all". Honestly, they just get there, wherever there is for them.

My daughter has had 4 surgeries, could possible have more but has decided that her arm is just fine. She is a competitive tennis player. She gets frustrated sometimes, but really thinks that her arm is a blessing. She says it has made her more compassionate than she would have been without it.

good luck,