Becoming Unstoppable we are All on this path,
I think Armstrong post some up a First step
What a great post
The topic is the unstoppable and is a great inspiration forsure.
But I seen on the posts overtime from our injuries at birth and latter in life the awesome will. and a fighting spirt that grows for all of us over time to do our own amazing things no matter how big or small things, we find to adapt to in-spite of the physical and emotional pain in trying to overcome what we can overtime . To me the most awesome thing is the growth of a fight spirit and the act of trying. When the injury happens at birth the fighting spirt happens from Awesome parents that encourage the child try, My mom did the same for me. Latter in life the fighting spirit happens by our will to overcome. I learn this when my good arm got injured and the will and fighting spirt I gain overtime from my birth erbs. Our pain relief is a quest to find help for life the fighting spirit comes in the act in our trys and the focus of doing so. To me I hurt less because of thinking about a way to try and the act of doing so, when after doing so I get even a higher degree of pain, I never was in despair when I was in this act of trying. When my trys did not work out I focus on What did
We all try we all move forwards ,and we all suffer a heighten pain. When the doctors cant help you for now
the quest to get the Right referral might or future treatment may you can never stop fighting to find help, No help or hope was in my time not today
If you cant find that help then, Focus on the pain relief for now and take your choose in meds and find new ones as you can,Dont stay on on one med to long, because over time it takes more and high does to get the same pain relief
Stay unstoppable with your trys and find the med that help so when you try the pain is less it is a quest for sure and So Need to do
We are All unstoppable because of trys and what we have learn to adapt to in time. Inspiration comes from all sights here and so many Posts
What a GREAT THING!!!!
I know Mr positive, I will never change