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lifting weights!

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:30 am
by whenimsixty4
Hello all-

First of all, I logged in a realized how long it's been since I've been here! Wow! So, my apologies for the disappearing act. The last few years have been full of, well, stuff. Occasionally stressful stuff. I hope you can understand. :)

So, I've joined my friend for her morning workouts and I'm having trouble with some of the moves on the dvds we're using (the P90X series). Any suggestions on how I can compensate for my lack of motion/strength on my affected side(left)? I'm having the most trouble with moves that work out the (I hope this is correct) triceps.

Other than that, I have to say I've seen some improvement in my range of motion and muscle tension. Still incredibly weak on that side, but I'm not all that strong on my right side, either... ;)

I'm wondering if I should try to invest in a gym or group membership so I can work with a trainer? We've got an incredibly tight budget but I could try it at least once...

Any advice appreciated!

Re: lifting weights!

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:34 am
by whenimsixty4
For the record- I checked out the P90X/Beach Body forums for advice and didn't find anything useful. Essentially they told some other guy with a similar situation to "hang in there! If you push hard you'll get used to it" etc, etc... the usual (if you'll forgive me) fitness-junkie mantras about sweat and determination. Not that those are bad things :) It just seemed fairly obvious that they had no experience with this sort of thing...

Re: lifting weights!

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:23 am
by Master DIVER TOM
Weight lifting and Exercise,
I will answer this by going (Way back) to grammar school days with birth erbs :roll:
I remember my first Phys Ed classes, Others were doing push ups ,pull ups,Jumping jacks all took two arms to do. The teacher told us latter you will be tested on how many of these we could do :shock: What I did learn that these three things I could adapt to :roll: To a point of learning to do jumping jacks only using one arm. I learned myself, how to do pull ups one handed to. I learned to do one arm push ups one arm to. There were other things on the test like climbing a rope I could never learn to do.
There are many exercise programs out there today like back then wish you need two arms to do. But the benefit is when you just Focus on what you can learn to do one handed and Forget about the ones you cant learn or impossible to do one handed. You still benefit by doing what you can.
When I learned to squeeze a rubber ball I gain strength in grasp. I started with So very little grasp when I was little. This took time :shock:
When I did get grasp my friend in High School got into weight lifting So you bet I wanted to do it to :shock: I learned to work with dome bells only and not bar bells. Because I did have some grasp in my erbs hand. I improved grasp and stretch the arm which was just by holding a 2lb weight and walking with it . I did increase the weight in my limited arm by my other arm holding and assisting the limited arm. I always work on my good arm till a point it was the size of two arms in one. This in time made me off balance so I learn to start my walking with my limited side leg. This help my balance and I also increase strength in that leg to.
What I learn over my life time that it was more than just how much I could lift . It was more about gaining and stretching what I could in the limitation I was left with and How I could learn to use the good arm to assist my limitation to function better in the things I was trying to do or just adapting to daily living tasks.
I learned that you need to stay focus on the things you can learn to do even if only partly done. You do need to accept that by your trys you NEVER EVER fail when things dont work out ;) A never ever giving up to try life, is Great to keep depression in check to ;)
Hope this helps?? :shock: :roll:

Re: lifting weights!

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:16 pm
by slayer

Re: lifting weights!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 10:25 am
by Master DIVER TOM
Thank acknowledge-you so must for what you said,
There is so many post without a comment back,
I really wish others would just take the time to acknowledge others efforts, Like you thought enough to do,
Thank you !