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Preteens and Teens

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:48 pm
by AlannahD
Those with preteens or teens - how is function affected as these kids enter prepuberty and puberty - is loss of function a given - does stretching and strengthening help avoid any loss?

Re: Preteens and Teens

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:25 pm
by Jallie
As my daughter started hitting her growth spurt, I did notice her arm and shoulder tightening. I was concerned about her shoulder stability and formation. I took her for two evaluations, with two different Doctors. They both said that as growth spurts happens, so does a natural tighting of the muscles. We are starting to see signs of scoliosis, as a result of the muscle imbalance. She has stared back into a heavy physical thereapy program and we are seeing good results. She is very active in sports and I thought that was enough for now, as far as exercises goes. But what she was really needing, was targeted areas of thereapy. I hope this helps.

Re: Preteens and Teens

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:29 pm
by F-Litz
Maia shot up really fast and it basically just killed her arm and she's not done growing so i can't wait to see what we have when she's done growing. Should be interesting for lack of a more appropriate word. It was a big surprise --- her growth was slow, slow, slow, slow and then BOOM!!! :twisted: crazy stuff! never would have imagined! :ugeek:

Re: Preteens and Teens

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:22 am
by patty hannahs mom
Hannah is going on 14. She says kids notice her left shoulder slopes and her elbow is a little bit bent but these things have not stopped her from competing in competive cheer for her middle school and next year high school. Her coach modifies some of the arm movements for her so not to notice her left arm is not really straight. And it is amazing how she can tumble roundoffs and back hand springs and almost has perfected the back tuck. She amazes me every time I watch her. I never would have thought she could do these things when she was first born.

Re: Preteens and Teens

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:55 pm
by Carolyn J
I am looking forward to meeting you and Hannah at Camp in July. She sounds soo awesome.
Carolyn J

Re: Preteens and Teens

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 4:09 pm
by marymom
Max is 13- he is small anyways - I know his BPI affects his running speed, and he hates it when the arm 'falls' in front of him as he walks- he seems to keep up tho (cuz he works harder...) his left grip is weaker and suppination limited- basically its the same as it was when he was younger, he is just older- his arm DOES get tight, we use chiropractic adjustments and massage to loosen- he is very active depending on what sport is in season- (fall football he can be seen doing push ups slightly different, with everyone else) -warm water and swimming is good too- best of luck-