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Pain in Shoulder

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:49 pm
by dpoganik
Hi everyone, I haven't been here in quite awhile. Danielle had a ROBPI. When my daughter was 5 she had a humeral osteotomy done. Everything went well and she gained much more than she lost. Danielle has never felt any pain at all. When she was 10 Dani went on crutches for about 15 months (on and off ) for osteochondritis of the knee. Since then she has been experiencing random pains in her shoulder, neck and radiating down her arm. We have had her back to her surgeon every couple of months for this pain. We were told at first she was compressing her nerves in her armpit with the crutchers. When she was off the crutchers we were told it was because she had a really big growth spurt (she grew 4 inches in a year). Now we are being told that sometimes BPI kids just start having pains. We have been doing Pt for about a year now with little relief. Anyone have exprience with this? Is there something else we should be doing? Sorry this was so long. Thanks! - Dawn