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21 and new to knowing others with Erb's Palsy

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:00 am
by sdancan
Hello im Sabrina...i was born July 21, 1990. I weighed 10lbs 11oz...i was born in beautiful San Diego Ca. i have Erb's Palsy in my right arm, forcing me to be left handed. Many wouldnt know it because with the love and faith of my parents, and some patients they were determined to gain something back in my arm. the doctors told my parents i would never be able to move it and that it wouldnt grow to its adult size. ive proved them wrong! I have had one surgery on my arm for nerve relocation, it allowed me to extend my arm to touch my stomach and out to the side. i dont have full extent of my elbow, and i can not lift my arm over my head, as well as not being able to rotate my wrist completely. Ive gone through rough school things {not being able to place my right hand over my heart for the pledge of allegiance} but i dont see it as a disability because i can do anything someone else can just differently. im 21 now and wanting to know more about my arm(thats why i joined) and finding that there is plenty more people like me... :D ive played sports {soccer,basketball,waterpolo,track&field,softball} hope to hear from anyone!!!

have an amazing day!

Re: 21 and new to knowing others with Erb's Palsy

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:48 pm
by brittwitt
Hey Sabrina! I'm about your age (I'm 19) and our cases sound pretty similar. I was 10 lbs 3 oz, didn't really fit, and got a LOBPI. I can't lift my arm above my head, straighten my elbow, or rotate my wrist much either. I've also played lots of sports: cross country, track, soccer, basketball, swimteam.

Wow I never thought about the hand over the heart thing for the pledge! I've definitely had my times like that. In cross country I would always skip the push ups and get funny looks a lot. Haha not that I minded skipping push ups but it can be awkward to be the only one not able to do something!


Re: 21 and new to knowing others with Erb's Palsy

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:00 am
by sdancan
Omg I'm glad u introduced yourself... I'm the type of person who thinks of things most others look past! I have to throw my elbow on the towel rack to put my hair up and have it centered on my head hahah, I NeveR mind skipping push ups! A perk would be I can do a one handed cart wheel :) when people found out it was more like I was lying so they would joke like giving double high fives and making me reach for something I always laugh but wished I could do the YMCA properly! Hahaha things others may not see as privileges. I'm new to researching and find more about what I have and it's amazing I waited 21 years to do it! My parents never made it a big deal and my dad built my own therepy gym in our garage, my mom became a stay at home mom and slowly brought my arm up to speed. I originally( the other night) was looking up scholarships for Erbs palsy and came across this site, I love it and I'm thinking of going to the camp they r having next summer!!

Tell me about u:)

Re: 21 and new to knowing others with Erb's Palsy

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:48 pm
by brittwitt
That's awesome how you do your hair! I have to use momentum to get my arm to my head so I have to swing it up there. I have only accidently hit myself in the face a few times! :roll: My hand has full function though so once I get my arm up there I can use it to hold onto my head and put my hair in a pony tail! Still haven't figured out braiding my own hair! When I was 14 I broke my good arm playing soccer so my friends had to do my hair for me in the cross country locker room before school for awhile, which I thought was pretty funny.

I have always wanted to do a one-handed cartwheel but never trusted myself to not completely eat it! That's so cool that you can do one! Haha maybe I should practice and try it again!

I totally feel you on the YMCA song! I alternate between attempting to use both arms and just using one. The macarena is also a problem. I am great at the butt shaking part (haha :lol: ) but I have to skip the part where you supinate your arms!

My parents never made my arm a big deal either. I did physical therapy until I was 7 and didn't really do anything past that. I played so many sports that my arm was constantly getting a workout, but it was never a focus.

I'm so glad you found this site! Its nice to be able to share and see what everyone has to say.

Glad to meet you too!

Re: 21 and new to knowing others with Erb's Palsy

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 4:11 am
by karategirl1kyu
well hello there! :D i havent been around in a little while, but figured id say hi! im 24, and i stumbled on this site originally when i was about 17... my freshman year in college... that year i figured out how to put my hair up using the desk... i never thought of making my arm go higher.. i always went down to it :lol: ..i have to swing my arm up to get it to reach my head as well... i usually make people laugh by doing so :D

i cant raise my hand over my head either... unless i have a little help.. i cant straighten it all the way, and i also can turn it all the way over. i had surgery when i was 9 to move some muscles and tendons from one side to the other, to give me more function... i guess it helped... half the time, my father forgets i have the injury anymore because the main idea behind the surgery was for me to appear 'normal'

hmmm... the YMCA song is fun... it just looks a little funny, and its all good... we all just need to buddy up!

i did karate when i was younger, and played frisbee in college... and im totally afraid to even try a one handed cartwheel.. i know ill land on my head! lol! well its nice to meet you! and im glad you found us! :P

Re: 21 and new to knowing others with Erb's Palsy

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:31 am
by sdancan
@ Brittney- i know im glad that we get to share our stories... i definatly have to throw my arm up... and i can only do the side braid! If i want it french braided my mommy still does it for me, or my sister haha! I was the captain of my water polo team my freshmen year, and i had dedication where i went to practice even if i was sick(i would just sit out and watch) and my team called me nemo *for my lucky fin ;) and while they would swim they told me to warm my bones up by dancing for them... YMCA was there favorite dance to have me do! all thru high school people got a laugh out of it. And funny you talk about the macarena i danced to it ALL ALONE center stage in a pink tutu with white gloves for a talent show in like the 4th grade!!....i attached a picture (im not sure if it shows??) but its me and my friends at out end of the year *Tradition, they called it the Dancan(my last name) most people dont know about my arm cause you cant even tell but they are so amazed. and ive always joked about it! never really bugged me
@karategirl- i didnt get your name... but its nice to meet you! i love meeting new people especially ones i can relate to :)

@BOTH OF YOU....dont knock it till you try it! find a nice grassy area and work up the confidence to do a cart wheel :) i did gymnastics when i was younger and we did a cart-a-thon where to raise money for the gym we did an amount for every cart wheel we completed! i should have got double the money even thou i dont remember how many i did i know i did them all one handed!!! hahahaahah


Re: 21 and new to knowing others with Erb's Palsy

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:27 pm
by Carolyn J
Thanks for sharing your picture!
I hope to see you at CAMP 2012 Sabrina!...Love your name btw :)
Carolyn J

Re: 21 and new to knowing others with Erb's Palsy

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 4:14 pm
by SMLockwood
Hi Sabrina! I am Sabrina as I am 27 with ROBPI. I am new to the boards too and just thought I would give a hello! I live in the Sacramento area and I am looking for others nearby that have OBPI as well. Hope to hear from you guys! :D

Re: 21 and new to knowing others with Erb's Palsy

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:57 am
by sdancan
HEYYYYYYY!! Wow we have some much in common already :) im currently in Portland but im moving back down to southern cali in mid december... im glad you found this site, i just love meeting new people and on here we all kind of know what each of us are going thru...have a wonderful weekend nice to meet u

Re: 21 and new to knowing others with Erb's Palsy

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:03 pm
by Carolyn J
I hope you girls all get together! Please come to Camp 2012 in July too so I can hug you all. You girls are inspiring to me. :)
Carolyn J :mrgreen: 8-)