streaks on armpit????puzzled???
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:41 pm
Ok wow its been forever since i have been on here. My son is now 8 years old & doing great. However i am on here with a little bit of a concern. It has happened twice & may be nothing but i knew here would be the place to start. Cause as we all know our bpi kids have odd thing happen. Tonight after Bray got out of the shower i noticed on the back of his bpi arm red streaks. They almost look like blood on the surface of his skin but streak like. But very thin like scratches but not scratches. It is about 2 or 3 inches long about 5 of them. They run on the back of his shoulder down under his armpit a little. It seems odd to me because this is the second time. I didnt think much about it the first time but now im a bit puzzled??? Has anyone else experienced this or might have an idea of what it happening?? Thanks
Ashley, mom to Brayden,ROBPI
Ashley, mom to Brayden,ROBPI