Update for the "old timers"
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:30 am
For those of you who have been around a while here is a quick update. Rosalynn my daughter with LOBPI is now ten. She did awesome in 4-H this year. She completed 35 projects. She had 3 grand champions, a reseerve grand champ, a div. champ, and 3 div. reserve chanp at county fair. She had six projects go to state fair and recieved a special merit on one. She also did our township dramatic arts. It was her first year and she had the biggest part for a kid her age and even had her own song! she did great with the dancing and all. Sorry I had to brag a little and I know how much seeing post like this lifted my spirits when she was an infant and I was so scared about how she would cope as she got older. My youngest had her heart surgery in March and is doing great. She is off the ventaltor and we are hoping to get the trach out before winter. she will have to have another open heart surgery in the next 1 to 2 years to finish the heart repair, but so far so good. (Actually amazing since two years ago they told use they would never be able to do the heart repair and eventually she would out grow her heart.) Thanks for all the prayers along the way and our adopted grandmas!