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skin peeling?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 10:17 pm
by damaaster

Sorry to start a new thread - but I was curious if peeling skin/dead skin in the hand is normal?

i notice after a bath if I rub my hands on a towel to dry them the skin just flakes off....

I've been using a bunch of lotion to try and keep the hand hydrated but its not really working.

Is this normal - any home remedies - should I call my doctor?

I am on gabapentin - only 300 mg at night- Not sure if it could be a side effect - though I doubt it.

Re: skin peeling?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 10:17 am
by AngelaW
Probably just natural shedding of the skin. Mine does that too. When you use your hand, the top dead layers of skin get worn down naturally. When you're not using it as much or at all they just sit there and eventually come off in a thicker layer. You'll probably notice you're nails get thicker too on that hand since they're not being worn down. Usually a good scrub with a soft, damp washcloth after a shower/bath get's the dead layer exfoliated. I wouldn't worry unless the skin looks like there's an infection (bleeding, swelling, pus, etc)

Re: skin peeling?

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 8:22 am
by RaisingCropsandBabys
My son's does that as well... you can see the layers peeling off vs. his right arm... I figured it was the same explanation as the previous lady said.