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signs of healing we should be looking for?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:47 pm
by ColesMama
We have a 9-week old sweet little baby with upper obpi and we are just wondering if there are things to look for that indicate that healing is happening? He seems to have some days where he might be in a great deal of pain, and I'm wondering if it might mean that healing is close to happening. We haven't seen much change from birth, and he's getting close to 3 months already when the best prognosis is for those who heal spontaneously. We're hopeful, but since we haven't seen anything, we are trying to be realistic, too. Does the spontaneous healing just suddenly happen one day and they can lift their arm or bend it, or are there small things to look for first? Anyone who has had their baby spontaneously recover have any input? Thanks!!

Cole's Mommy

Re: signs of healing we should be looking for?

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:02 pm
by siobby
Hi and welcome. My baby boy Jacob did not spontaneously recover, but he did recover some movement very slowly during his first 3 months of life, mostly using his pec, he was able to throw his arm across his body whilst lay down by the time he was 8 weeks. His first movements began whilst he was lay down and the first one we got excited about was when he moved his arm out to the side ever so slightly and around 12 weeks he began to raise his arm in the air at a right angle to the ground and from there he would stretch it above his head, even bending his elbow using gravity. By 5 months he could draw his hand up to his mouth whilst in a sitting position. He learnt to compensate very well and of course we were very proud of all the progress he made.

Jacob did require surgery in the end, and is now 4 weeks post, he is slowly regaining the pec movement he previously had and we are eagerly awaiting the rest. Each injury is as individual as the babies themselves, and I have my fingers and toes crossed for you that Cole spontaneously recovers. I know what a difficult time this is and how tormenting it can be. I hope you are taking good care of yourself

Please keep us informed of his progress.

Re: signs of healing we should be looking for?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:59 am
by ColesMama
Thank you so much for replying! We saw Cole move his arm outward before flinging it onto his body (usually just rolls it inward) and we were ecstatic, but he hasn't done it much since. We are just so wanting him to heal, like any parent, and hoping that he does so without surgery. Poor little babies! So does Jacob have pain? We think Cole randomly has arm pain and aren't sure what we can do about it, we are going to ask the doctor at the next visit. I'll be praying for your sweet little guy!

Re: signs of healing we should be looking for?

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 3:13 am
by F-Litz
Hi Cole's Momma....

Unfortunately any of the parents whose babies had spontaneous healing don't usually come here anymore because they go on and don't really need support. But from what I understand, the best spontaneous recovery happens within two months and if there's still loss after that time, then a greater injury occurred. At three months, this is a time when you start seeking out specialists and there's a good list here on UBPN in the resources section. Multiple opinions are good, too.

Best of luck to you -- keep you faith.
My daughter is going to be 13 next Friday and life is good :) even though she has a great amount of deficit.
Our kids don't have to be victimized by this and neither do we.


Re: signs of healing we should be looking for?

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 6:44 pm
by siobby
I'm quite sure that they do feel pain, how much I don't know. I think it is different for everybody, my sister inlaw says her nerves regrowing after surgery feel like a chinese burn. We have a naturopath and use accupuncture (no needles, he uses lasers on babies) to assist with his nerve regrowth and any pain management. He seemed to be a lot more comfortable after 10 - 12 weeks, which was also about the same time he started using his arm amazingly, but also around the same time their digestive systems mature!

Jacob seemed to take a while to progress after he started rolling his arm across his body. I was beginning to think this might be it. His significant progress started 2 days after we used a chiropractor and the results were amazing, I would have definitely recommended using a chiro after this and have done in the past, but I am a little more reluctant now as my ortho said he felt uncomfortable with it and have since stopped.

I was torn in two about the surgery, and had a difficult time dealing with it. My husband's patience, my naturopath and this forum helped me through it a great deal. It is really important to take care of yourself, I know it is all to easy to neglect yourself and your own emotions. Our babies will brilliant whatever the outcome.

p.s Femke's story on you tube is good one to look at, dont give up hope for a spontaneous recovery xx