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Fundraiser/Legal question

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:17 am
by lmungin
Our son is 9 yrs old and has a LOBPI, he's had two surgeries since birth and has been scheduled for a third at the Texas Brachial Plexus Institute in June, 2011. I'd like to have a fundraiser in his honor to help with medical expenses. Is it okay to send a letter to family/friends, organizations and place funds in a "special" account? :?:

On the legal side of things-we've spoken to several attorneys since 2002 and have been told that the doctor followed the standard community of care, but we still feel that the doctor is responsible and should help with the medical expenses we've incurred and the ones that continue....and most of all to help our son as he grows and lives with this injury daily.

Please feel free to send me an email @ if you don't want to share the information openly.
I hope someone can advise as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance.