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Scar Massage

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:31 am
by bfaithda
I have started massaging my sons scar on his leg. I have a couple questions concerning scar massage for those of you have been thru this. Is there any certain lotion that anyone has used that seems to be really good to help out the scar? I was told any lotion will do which I have been using Aveeno on him, but The other is when you first started massaging the scar did your child complain of it hurting or not want you to touch it the first several times of massaging? I am sure it feels weird or even hurts, but Brayden just squirms and ask me to stop. I can get him to calm down for a minute, but then he starts up again. I am just wondering if this is expected. Any info anyone has that can help will be greatly appreciated!

Re: Scar Massage

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:54 am
by katep
When I had to do scar massage on my scars from my knee arthroscopic surgery, it HURT LIKE HELL. If you think about it, scar massage is to help break up tissue connections so of course it is not comfortable. You are trying to soften the scar but also break inappropriate connections (adhesions) between layers of tissue which are supposed to be separate. The first few times were definitely the worst and caused very sharp jabs of pain. But it got better over time. I would go the pure bribery route... you know it hurts, but you also know it will help, so if he lets you do it for XX minutes he gets a special treat.


Re: Scar Massage

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:06 am
by Tuckersmommy
My son too has one along his back calf and last vistit the dr didn't like the look of the scar or the build up so he gave us a silicon patch to put directly over it and a ace bandage to keep it in place for a few hours or over night for scar therapy ....It worked wonders the scar was less visible and the lump under the scar went away all this with in hours of use.
They sell these in drugstores by the band aids.Just last month I had a c-section and the doctor there recommended it as well for scar management...along with gently massaging it with mederma or coco butter.Hope this helps

Re: Scar Massage

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:27 am
by jmar
when i was going to PT the therapist did my scar massage. he used vitamin E oil. it made it soften up quicker. and the vitamin E also helps moisturize the skin. the massage does hurt. do you go to PT? if you do, ask your therapist to do it for you they may have a lot of suggestions for you at home.

Re: Scar Massage

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:10 pm
by marieke
Vit E was what I used after my surgery, and yes, scar massage can hurt like he**! It does get better, but at first it really can be very unpleasant.

Re: Scar Massage

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:25 pm
by jmar
one thing i just thought of. start the scar massage as soon as physically possible after surgery even if the incision is still a little tender.(with the docs o.k.) it is still very unpleasant, but not as bad as if you wait till the scar tissue starts forming.

Re: Scar Massage

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:42 pm
by katep
jmar wrote:one thing i just thought of. start the scar massage as soon as physically possible after surgery even if the incision is still a little tender.(with the docs o.k.) it is still very unpleasant, but not as bad as if you wait till the scar tissue starts forming.
I completely agree. Even though it's a little more painful with respect to the incision being new and more tender, there is not NEARLY as much of the "stabbing" pain of breaking the connections. You get much more of those types of pain - OUCH - if you leave it too long.


Re: Scar Massage

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:11 pm
by bfaithda
Thank you for the info! Today has been better massaging his leg. He let me massage it for a very long time tonight with not complaining. I am going to look into the silicone patches. Has one area that seems more like a knott on and aroud his scars. I am hoping massaging will help it!

Re: Scar Massage

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:29 pm
by Boomer2009
Bio- Oil works magic on scars. I have also been told vitamin E. I prefer bio oil now though. Massaging the scar for the first several times will bother him quite a bit. The things we do as parents...... So difficuly to watch and hear our children in pain. I always tell myself this is for a good reason this will help this will help

Re: Scar Massage

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:46 pm
by claudia
I also used to massage the other arm.... her legs... her stuffed animal anything to make it more fun.

We also used the silicon patches..the flattened the scar, but I think scar massage is better. And remember, much of scarring has to do with where the scar is, how your child heals, and how the surgeon did the sewing.

gotta say, those orthopods really need a refresher class in sewing!!!! give me the plastics guy any day!!!
