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Jessica turns 8 tomorrow/ DDSO denied eligibility

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 8:48 pm
by Jmarcellus
On the eve of Jessica's birthday, I think back to her actual birth. We've all experienced the waiting to find out what is going on, the therapy, the Dr appts, the worrying. Now she is 8 and I still find that this journey doesn't end. But we sure know more now than we did then. She is a happy child and her teachers and therapists say she is very perseverant and likes to try to do things herself. This year has been a good year for growth since she has learned to ask for help when she needs it. And to say "No, I can do it" if she doesn't need help. Sure my birthday wish would be to re-do her birth and avoid this injury. I've moved past the anger and have to accept that God has a plan for her. She has been inspiration to many already.

I was disappointed to hear this morning that at age 8, the DDSO in NYS has denied her eligibility for the waiver and Medicaid. Of course I'll ask for a hearing/appeal since they say it isn't related to the central nervous system. Has anyone else had this happen? What did you do to stay eligible? With all the budget cuts, they seem to want to get as many people out of receiving services as possible.

I'm thankful for this community of people that understand and help each other.