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Daughter had Elbow flextion

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 11:58 am
by marleneross
I am so excited, my daughter had elbow flextion during physical therepy Yesterday. She even had a little wrist flextion to bring her hand to her mothe (this was all laying down)... We have a follow up appt. with Dr. Kozin on April 8th at Shriners in Philly. Hopefully she will move it while he is watching. Last appointment she did not move it at all.


Re: Daughter had Elbow flextion

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 1:11 pm
by Carolyn J
Hello Marlene,
Great news :mrgreen: ...celebrate every achievement and milestone and always share with the rest of us, your UBPN Family.
Gramma Carolyn J /age 71 :D