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breastfeeding help!

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:19 pm
by cbe411
Any moms out there breastfed their kids?? Do you have any successful tips for positioning with one arm?? My little guy is 7 weeks old and just 'killing me'. I have tried many thing but never even thought to look here.



Re: breastfeeding help!

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 6:27 pm
by marieke
Have you tried using a breastfeeding pillow? These can take the weight off you and supports the baby for you in a good position for him to breastfeed :)
There are many types... some offer more support, and some are used for twins = one handed help.
(you can get these in the USA too) ... 22302a.htm

Re: breastfeeding help!

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:58 pm
by Mica
Hey Court!

The pillows are a great suggestion! I also wonder if you could use a sling carrier (would work while seated or standing).

I found it very easy to nurse Aria in an Ergo baby carrier, and would sometimes use it while seated.

Good luck finding a comfortable solution - and congratulations on your new baby!!! So exciting! :)


Re: breastfeeding help!

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:43 am
by kissygoose
I used lots of pillows including a nursing pillow. I also used the back of the couch to help brace my arm up. The slings are good too. I used a ring sling where my babies could be in the position to nurse and I didn't have to use my arm at all. Also I got the help of a lactation consultant who helped me figure out positioning and such that worked best for me. I had to use some non traditional holds like the football hold and such.

Let me say, that it was a lot of trial and error until I found something that works. It wasn't till my 3rd child (I had twins the first time) that I really had the hang of it. Just keep trying, you'll find something that works for you.

Re: breastfeeding help!

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:52 pm
by stanleyars
Lots of pillows like everyone else has said. I also found that if I sat on the couch or chair and could use my leg/knee to help prop the pillows up (or keep them from sinking) helped and used the football hold. What ever you do try not to get frustrated....I did before I found what worked for son and I struggled with breast feeding because of this for the first 4 weeks....I found a position that worked and had a great experience for 4 more weeks.....but by this time my supply was not enough for my little dude. So remeber stay calm and try different ways everytime until it works for you. It is a different process for people with BPI....and my lactation consultant did not understad my problem.

Re: breastfeeding help!

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:14 am
by veggiebug
The boppy was great when I had my son, and other than that I might need a few extra pillows to get him in the right spot. It gets easier as they get bigger and don't fold up as easy. I always felt like Jack was falling into the cracks of the pillows or whatever I was using. It's definitely trial and error, and never worry how it looks to others, just find what position works for you.

Re: breastfeeding help!

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 6:30 pm
by luckyfin
I agree with others, lots pillows or blankets. I loved my Boppy Pillow. I used an ez-2-nurse, , with my twins & I personally found it a bit more helpful then my Boppy as it is firmer, but obviously bigger since it's for twins. Search your local craigslist for one.

Congrats on your new baby!