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Just my update

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 6:25 pm
by Ms. Stang
Well, I have to admit I have not been on here in a while. I felt I should at least give an update as to my TBPI.
The way I acquired TBPI was that of an unrelated surgery gone wrong. I woke from that surgery to find I had TBPI in both arms. I was told it was a stretch injury.

I want to make my update as short as possible, so here goes.

I am only 9 months out, and I now have the use of both arms. I would not say normal use, but I do have use, which is far better than how this journey started. I still have some ongoing denervation. I have also been told I have some reinnervation changes in most of the muscles. I still have some atrophy, which I guess is to be expected. My biggest problem area still is my Biceps, with it being more severe in the upper trunks. I still have the pins and needle sensation on my right in the first two fingers and thumb area, which then spreads up my forearm to my elbow. I can honestly say for the most part I have gotten use to the sensation always being there.. (yes I do notice it every now and then, and I have found some movements make it become more prominent.)

According to my last EMG I have “Mild Chronic Bilateral Brachial Plexopathies.”

I haven’t given up on recovery, but on the same note, I am not going to hold my breath that things are ever going to be “normal” again.

I was offered the thought of exploratory surgery. But in my opinion, having lived without arms for a period of time, I would just assume keeping what I have now, rather than risking the possibility of them going back to the degenerative/non usable state they were in.

I also have slowed the emotional rollercoaster down to a minimal crawl.. which I think is great! I remember thinking “I want off this ride and I want off it now!” for the first several months.

It has been an unforgettable journey to say the least. It did help to get my mind on other things. Sure there are still days where I still get depressed over what I can’t do, but I have learned to turn it around and think… “Look at all the things I can do now!”

Well that is my update, I am sure I will post again soon, or maybe at my 1 year anniversary, which is not all that far off.
Best wishes to all,