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Need this poem asap

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2002 12:43 pm
by LisaM
Hi everyone! I need a copy of that poem something
like the Netherlands or something like's the one that compares having a child with a special need to
going on a trip somewhere you didn't choose.
p.s. Good things are around the corner! God bless!

Re: Need this poem asap

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2002 1:51 pm
by LisaM
Thank YOU!!!!!!! Is it titled Welcome to Holland?

Re: Need this poem asap

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2002 10:46 pm
by marymom
yes, Welcoome to Holland is the title, its an old fav of mine and can be used in so many ways...

Re: Need this poem asap

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2002 11:23 pm
by CW1992
Sorry - I don't like it!:) Thought I'd show a different side. To me it suggests that I am not happy with the life that was given me - that I am disappointed in the child I was given - that things turned out not as perfect as I wanted them - but that I guess that's OK. WRONG! This is not true! I have never been disappointed that my child was not "perfect". She would not be the same "HER" if her birth would have been different. She is NOT a vacation trip to a place I didn't want to go but that I learned to like... How harsh is that? Nope - - Britt and I are traveling the sites we were supposed to see together. I just dreamed of being a Mom. That's just what I get out of this poem..

Re: Need this poem asap

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2002 12:40 am
by admin
Many of the obpi adults also said they hated this poem, and say so every time it appears. Surely every pregnancy is a magical mystery tour-you have absolutely no idea where you'll end up.

Re: Need this poem asap

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2002 1:47 pm
by Kathleen
I do not like this poem is suggests that I was less then what my parents expected...

As the parent of 3 adult children and 4 grandchildren I believe that each child is a different journey....

I know that my Mothers was never sad nor did my arm make me less then my siblings....

This poem sounds as if the parent is disapointed in the child because they are not the same as everyone else....

Just a all bpi injuries are like fingerprints the same and different.... so are children... we never have two children who are alike....

If I had seen this poem among my mother's belongings after she died I would have been so hurt...

Just my feelings on this subject.

Re: Need this poem asap

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2002 3:53 pm
by Cara
I loved poetry in school because everyone had a different take on the meaning. So here is mine...
I like the poem, and to who ever first sent it to me thank you. I had a lot of anger that was hard to let go of dealing with my daughter's birth. I guess I never envisioned the traveler as being overly sad, but angry. I know this sounds corny, but it helped to put things in perspective and for me to quit dwelling on the anger and to focus more on my child. It never occured to me that it referred to one being less than the other, more the frustration and anger of things not going as planned. Anyway that is my two cents.

Re: Need this poem asap

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2002 6:07 pm
by LeeAnne
I have but one question. Why, when someone requested this poem for reasons none of our business, must some of us get bent out of shape.There was no need for responses other than for the one that was requested by the original poster. Yes I like the poem. My life with my child is definitely different then the one I envisioned, but isn't that true with most parents. The dream we envision, the fairy tale, is Italy, the cold hard truth, the life we live and love everyday is Holland. Or maybe this would be clearer. Italy is life at the Ozzie and Harriet Nelson house,(no where near truth) and Holland is life at Roseannes' house or the new show Life according to Jim ( a little tamer than Roseanne). I'd rather be in Holland.