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amazing recovery after tendon transfer 1 year ago

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 3:08 pm
by denaegirl
I havn't posted here in a while, but I wanted to share my son's amazing LOBPI recovery after his second surgery! He now has full range of motion in his left arm and strength! amazing STRENGTH!!! I never would have thought I would see from him what I saw..... So I ran in and got the video camera. You all have to see this! My son had 4 of 6 nerves Avulsed and was not given a very good chance of a full recovery but as you can see in the video! It is just amazing and I swear...I cried when I saw it for the first time.
If you look at my previous youtube videos you can see that he had NO motion in his arm whatsoever. THIS IS TRULY AMAZING!

Message was edited by: denaegirl

Re: amazing recovery after tendon transfer 1 year ago

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:34 pm
by Carolyn J
Great news Danae about Mallik! I am soo happy too. Enjoyed the video.
WAY TO GO, MALLIK!!! :) :)

Gramma Carolyn J

Message was edited by: Carolyn J

Re: amazing recovery after tendon transfer 1 year ago

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 2:18 am
by karategirl1kyu
wow, thats awesome!!! way to go Mallik!

Re: amazing recovery after tendon transfer 1 year ago

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 10:28 pm
by denaegirl
thanks so much!