Hi there everyone iv had a GREAT day! 2day was my 3rd day back at school(this is my last yr). Because i am a 6th yr i get to be a "buddie". A buddie is a person who is allocated a group of 3 1st yrs(beginners) and you have to look after them and they come and talk to you about problems. Its really to cut out bullyin. So i really was lookin 4ward to meetin my 1st yrs 2day. We had our 1st little meetin in a classroom and i could see them lookin at my arm warily. I jst make a joke about it and said...wot uz all lookin at is my arm hangin off?? and they laughed. It kinda broke the awkward silence and then i thought...wot would be a better way to get to know me that for me to explain about my arm...so i went and took them on the computer in the class and showed them www.injurednewborn.com (thanx Francine!) and they were amazed and felt sorry for the babies and children and jst asked about the splints and how this happens. Then i jst told them about my hobbies and my brother and sister and my dog and they done the same. It was really good and i didnt feel intimidated by these children(possibly bcos they were younger) but its gave me more confidence in talkin about it. I saw them at hometime and they didnt giv me arm a 2nd look. I explained it was jst like someone wearin glasses and i was jst a bit different and one little boy said well i guess we're alike then cos im a little differnt bcos i have 4 toes. so it was jst a bit laugh while we ate sweets! i think ill make a great buddy bcos i understand differences and im jst a generally good person!
I think every school should have a buddy system! it rox!
Have a good day!
Michelle -x-
Buddy Scheme
Re: Buddy Scheme
michelle - that is so great! I'm so glad you told us about this! What a great idea, too!
Hey - I have an idea! If you get someone to take a picture of you and your group - I will post it online (of course I will need permission from their parents to have their pictures up).
Hey - I have an idea! If you get someone to take a picture of you and your group - I will post it online (of course I will need permission from their parents to have their pictures up).
Re: Buddy Scheme
I am so impressed with your insight. You did just the right thing both for you and for the kids...
Education is the key to understanding. You educated these children and they will educate others...
I was so touched by this I have tears... happy ones but you are great!
PS I use to teach 3rd grade in after school program and every year I used my arm as a teaching tool... but I don't think I could have at your age... so proud of you.
I hope you realize you may have saved one of these kids from doing something mean to someone and perhaps the information will prevent them from having bpi baby... This is wonderful and a wonderful life lesson
I am so impressed with your insight. You did just the right thing both for you and for the kids...
Education is the key to understanding. You educated these children and they will educate others...
I was so touched by this I have tears... happy ones but you are great!
PS I use to teach 3rd grade in after school program and every year I used my arm as a teaching tool... but I don't think I could have at your age... so proud of you.
I hope you realize you may have saved one of these kids from doing something mean to someone and perhaps the information will prevent them from having bpi baby... This is wonderful and a wonderful life lesson