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New Monkeys Shirts and Stories Needed

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:46 pm
by andream
Hello everyone! I hope you all are enjoying your summer...

I wanted to let you all know that Two Little Monkeys has introduced a couple of really great new shirts. Check them out on our website and join "Team Monkey" today!

Also, as you may know, we have a section on the website called Monkey of the Month where we highlight a new child and his/her family every other month. It's a great chance for families to contibute their knowledge and experience with others and a wonderful resource for families dealing with all of the various issues related to the injury....
Anyway, we need more monkeys!
If you are interested in either sharing your child's story or your own, please let me know. Check out the website for a better idea of what Monkey of the Month is all about.

Thank you all for your support.
