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Does anyone have a love hate relationship with their P.T. or O.T.?

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:42 am
by Ms. Stang
I would love to hear if any of you have a love/hate relationship with your therapists?

I think I am so, developing this.

I know I need it, but hate going, hate the extra pain that comes with it, and hate that my pt seems like she just thinks I should be done, acts like she wants to cut me loose.

I personally think my shoulder(atrophy) and biceps need it the worse, also have big issues still with the ulner (sp?) nerve and she has cut me down to 1 time a week now for 30 min.

I am not sure how much I should or shouldn't be seeing them either. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

oh it is not insurance that is covering the charges, either, as the hospital caused this and said they were paying the tab, on anything related to the tbpi.

Re: Does anyone have a love hate relationship with their P.T. or O.T.?

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 8:37 pm
by bellis
My 5th therapist said I wasn't a candidate for therapy. He was right and one of the few honest practitioners I met. The other therapists had no clue and caused only more pain and inflammation. I learned it is what it is and adjusted to the limited use of the arms. Now, if it hurts I don't do it. Good luck to you and hang in there.

Re: Does anyone have a love hate relationship with their P.T. or O.T.?

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 9:47 am
by smokinex
when I first started going after the injury I hated us, I never had coverage so it was at the hospital for free, and all she did was stretch my arm for 10 minutes and I would leave. I thought I was getting shafted for that treatment just because I did not have coverage and I stopped going.

I started going to a "better" therapist that I had to pay for myself, it was $50 a visit, once I got there he turned out to be way worse, he didnt even stretch my arm all he did was put the muscle stimulator on my arm and crank it 30 mins. (doesn't make sense, it was b4 the surgery and nothing was working) I stopped going after a few visits to him as well.

I started going back to therapy at the hospital. We are getting great results, all she really done for the first year was stretch my arm. My upper arm was the same size as my wrist. Now it is back to normal size, bicep muscle is growing, bending the elbow, hand opens and closes, fingers kind of work, forearm muscle as hard as a rock, and all this was from her only stretching/working muscles twice a week, 15 mins each time.